You can learn vocabulary of prepositions by watching this video. After watching, you can go to our webs...
- Author:
- nata tana You can learn vocabulary of prepositions by watching this video. After watching, you can go to our webs...
a video about the pronunciation of English vowels with their symbols
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
مقطع فيديو مدته خمس دقائق يعرض اختبارا قصيرا يقيم قدرة المشاهد على اختيار حرف الجر المناسب لكل فراغ في الجملة المحددة.
a video about the pronunciation of English vowel sounds
Writing reports and assignments can be a daunting prospect. This unit is designed to help you develop the skills you need to write effectively for academic purposes. You will learn how to interpret questions and how to plan, structure and write your assignment or report.
An examination strategy guide for level 1 and 2 students, intended as a series of discussion points.
فيديو على شكل راب بسيط يشرح كيفية السوال عن الطرق والاجابه عنه باجابات مختلفه وبسيطه
Fill in exercise on a, an, the
This is game for practicing English phrases. An image is presented and you have to move the clouds around to create a matching phrase.
The idea for this game is to allow players to construct accurate sentences and acquire language in an engaging way. It is hoped that this game can facilitate language acquisition by having players associate the language seen with the meaning of the image that is presented.
When playing, you are presented with an image and a set of words in clouds. To create a phrase that matches the meaning of the image, you have to click and drag the clouds to re-order them. When the clouds are correctly ordered they disappear and that round is correct. To complete the game, you have to correctly re-order the clouds for each image twice.
As the game progresses a timing element is introduced and it becomes necessary to re-arrange the words before the timer runs out. When the timer runs out, the clouds start to fall downwards past the bottom of the screen. If this happens three times, the game is lost. This timer is intended to make the game more interesting and challenging as I thought that just moving the clouds around would get quite tiresome after a while. With the challenge of speed, it is hoped that the game and learning process can be more engaging. In order to prevent the timer being intrusive or annoying, it only appears after ten or so turn. What is more, it can be removed altogether if the player so chooses.
Clouds are used as it is hoped that they can be visually appealing and so being more engaging for players.
This game uses HTML5 and javascript. A previous flash version was made a few years ago and this game is really just an updated one with a few new key elements. This version is add the selection of content on the second screen and also the image display on the game screen. This one is also more visually basic and less clutered. For the previous flash version click here
If you have any feedback or comments then feel free to add a message below.
In this game you practice reading for understanding of a description. There are a set of different vocabulary items and you have to read short description and then click on the image that is being described. Hopefully in this you can practice reading and understand in more of a context. I hope that you can learn some new vocabulary and get practice at reading basic sentences in English. The target level for this game is not very high however I hope that different levels can still have a little fun playing. The English vocabulary set for this game is household items such as furniture or computer items. Although simply know the English name of the vocabulary item isn't part of the game. Instead your understanding of a brief description is what is important. I hope you can have fun and learn some English while playing this game. Please leave any comments you like below in English
This is a simple game for learning basic English vocabulary items. You can select which items you would like to practice by click on a set from the content screen. To begin, click on 'Fast'; although, if you think the game is too quick, you can begin by clicking on 'slow'.
Embed this game onto your site or blog
You can embed this game into your site by following the above link and copy pasting the code there into your blog or CMS.
This is a new version of this game. The version here is made with javascript rather than flash so it doesn't need the flash plugin and so can be played on any device or system. I tried to keep it as similar to the previous version as possible but there are a few differences in timing, display and scoring. Please let me know if there are any problems with this game as it's the first I've made using pure javascript.
Click here for the old flash version
This is a game for learning English focusing on vocabulary items. You listen to the sound or read the word and then click on the matching pictures. It's really easy, fun and hopefully a great way to learn and review words. You can choose the content you want to play with and there are more than 500 vocabulary items in total. First you click on 'fast' and then select you vocabulary category. Then listen or read the word and click on the matching picture. The game finishes when the time bar at the bottom runs out. But you get extra time added each time you correctly click on an image. The timer goes faster and faster so you need to have fast reflexes. The same set of ten items will repeat endlessly and you can increase your score with each correct hit. However there is a count down timer that is always decreasing. You get additional time with each correct vocabulary word but the speed of the count down increases constantly so eventually you will run out of time. The challenge is to get as high a score as possible before the game finishes. There is a high score table at the end which shows the top players and where they come from. At the first screen you get two options either 'fast' or 'slow'. There are the same game but the slow version doesn't have the countdown timer Leave a comment below in any language you like. Comments need to be approved by me first due to excessive spam and offensive postings.
This is a basic sentence formation game. You look at the image and the click on the options to form a matching phrase.
The idea behind this game is to allow players to practice making correct English sentences in an engaging way. An image is presented with a 3 to 5 possible options below. Players then click on the options to form a sentence that matches the meaning of the image. So, if the image is of a girl playing basketball, the correct phrase could be "She is playing basketball". It is hoped that by forming sentences in this way - with matching image content - players can learn, practice and re-enforce language. It is important that images are shown, as they provide the context or meaning that the constructed phrases are associated with.
A few game elements have been included to try and make it more engaging. As players choose the correct response from the options, they accumulate score which can be compared at the end of the game in a high score table. Also, there is an element of streaking - getting many answers correct in a row. As players continue to get correct answers in a row (without any errors) score accumulates more quickly. Also the speeds up and after 4 or 5 correct successive correct answers, a timer starts to count down. When the timer runs out, the players streak comes to an end. It is hoped that with this a more challenging and fun element is added to the game. While it is possible to go through an entire play without making any mistakes, the timer makes this quite difficult as the speed continues to increase.
The way the scoring works is that you get a basic score for each correct answer. This basic score is then multiplied as you get successive correct answers and your streak gets longer.
Like a few of the other games, this one uses phrase content which is selected on the second screen. The user can choose which kind of phrases they want to make from a list of about 20, including things like telling the time, prepositional phrases and basic present continuous phrases.
A previous version of this game was made a few years ago. This is an updated version that allows the player to select which content they want to play with. Also a few of the elements were changes so as to make the game more interesting. For the previous version click here - Endless Actions
This presentation introduces the concept of L1 transfer. it aims at defining the concepts, presents some instances of it, and shows its effect in different linguistic levels.
a video that explores the reasons why teachers and schools might want to flip a classroom in the first place
Forming the Present Simple (affirmative)
Novella about the a mad professor creating a monster
an explanation of the two types of morphemes bound & free