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  • Astronomy
Model of a Black Hole
0.0 stars

Many children may have heard of black holes and already have the understanding that they are ‘bottomless wells’. If something falls into a black hole, it is impossible for it to escape—even light cannot escape and is swallowed. The lack of light is how black holes get their name. These objects are mysterious and interesting, but they are not easy to explain. This activity will allow children to visualize, and therefore help them decompose, the concepts of space-time and gravity, which are integral to understanding these appealing objects.

Monica Turner, UNAWE
Modern Astrophysics, Spring 2006
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Applications of physics (Newtonian, statistical, and quantum mechanics) to fundamental processes that occur in celestial objects. Includes main-sequence stars, collapsed stars (white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes), pulsars, supernovae, the interstellar medium, galaxies, and as time permits, active galaxies, quasars, and cosmology. Observational data discussed. No prior knowledge of astronomy is required.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Schechter, Paul
Date Added:
the Moon
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

As the only planetary body everyone is familiar with seeing in the sky, the Moon has long been an object of fascination and speculation. This unit will teach you about the nearest planetary body to Earth: the missions to the Moon, the basic facts of its composition, the cratering on its surface, and the ancient eruptions that flooded many low-lying areas.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Date Added:
Moon Phases Box
0.0 stars

This activity is an observation opportunity for students to view the phases of the moon and learn that the juxtoposition of the Earth and moon dictates the appearance of the moon in the sky.

John Mettling
Moon Walk
0.0 stars

Students learn about the Earth's only natural satellite, the Moon. They discuss the Moon's surface features and human exploration. They also learn about how engineers develop technologies to study and explore the Moon, which also helps us learn more about the Earth.

Jane Evenson
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Denise W. Carlson
Jessica Butterfield
Jessica Todd
Sam Semakula
The Moon in Motion: Monitoring the Moon's Phases
0.0 stars

The activity is an observational lesson in the phases of the moon with an attached calendar and video links.

A. Lutz, Sky Oaks Elementary School, Burnsville, MN
A. Lutz
Muscles, Muscles Everywhere
0.0 stars

This activity helps students learn about the three different types of muscles and how outer space affects astronauts' muscles. They will discover how important it is for astronauts to get adequate exercise both on Earth and in outer space. Also, through the design of their own microgravity exercise machine, students learn about the exercise machines that engineers design specifically for astronaut use.

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Sara Born
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Beth Myers
Jessica Todd
Denali Lander
Abigail Watrous
My Moon Colony
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the futuristic concept of the moon as a place people can inhabit. They brainstorm what people would need to live on the moon and then design a fantastic Moon colony and decide how to power it. Students use the engineering design process, which includes researching various types of energy sources and evaluating which would be best for their moon colonies.

Janet Yowell
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Jessica Butterfield
Jessica Todd
Brian Kay
Sam Semakula
Karen King
Navigating at the Speed of Satellites
0.0 stars

For thousands of years, navigators have looked to the sky for direction. Today, celestial navigation has simply switched from using natural objects to human-created satellites. A constellation of satellites, called the Global Positioning System, and hand-held receivers allow for very accurate navigation. In this lesson, students investigate the fundamental concepts of GPS technology trilateration and using the speed of light to calculate distances.

Janet Yowell
Matt Lippis
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Penny Axelrad
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Jeff White
The Next Dimension
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about the three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. It is important for structural engineers to be confident graphing in 3D in order to be able to describe locations in space to fellow engineers.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Ben Burnham
Techtronics Program,
Date Added:
Not So Lost in Space
0.0 stars

Students learn how engineers navigate satellites in orbit around the Earth and on their way to other planets in the solar system. In accompanying activities, they explore how ground-based tracking and onboard measurements are performed. Also provided is an overview of orbits and spacecraft trajectories from Earth to other planets, and how spacecraft are tracked from the ground using the Deep Space Network (DSN). DSN measurements are the primary means for navigating unmanned vehicles in space. Onboard spacecraft instruments might include optical sensors and an inertial measurement unit (IMU).

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Penny Axelrad
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Our Amazing, Powerful Sun
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the students to the Sun. They explore various aspects of the Sun including its composition, its interior workings, and its relationship to the Earth.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Brian Kay
Geoffrey Hill
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Janet Yowell
Jessica Butterfield
Jessica Todd
Date Added:
Our Big Blue Marble
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Students are introduced to the fabulous planet on which they live. Even though we spend our entire lives on Earth, we still do not always understand how it fits into the rest of the solar system. Students learn about the Earth's position in the solar system and what makes it unique. They learn how engineers study human interactions with the Earth and design technologies and systems to monitor, use and care for our planet's resources wisely to preserve life on Earth.

Applied Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Abigail Watrous
Denise W. Carlson
Geoffrey Hill
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Jane Evenson
Jessica Butterfield
Jessica Todd
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Date Added:
The Outer Planets
0.0 stars

Students explore the outermost planets of our solar system: Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They also learn about characteristics of Pluto and its interactions with Neptune. Students learn a little about the history of space travel as well as the different technologies that engineers develop to make space travel and scientific discovery possible.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Denise W. Carlson
Jessica Butterfield
Jessica Todd
Sam Semakula
Receivers, Antennas, and Signals, Spring 2003
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Detection and measurement of radio and optical signals encountered in communications, astronomy, remote sensing, instrumentation, and radar. Statistical analysis of signal processing systems, including radiometers, spectrometers, interferometers, and digital correlation systems. Matched filters and ambiguity functions. Communications channel performance. Measurement of random electromagnetic fields. Angular filtering properties of antennas, interferometers, and aperture synthesis systems. Radiative transfer and parameter estimation.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Staelin, David H.
Date Added:
Rocket Me into Space
0.0 stars

One of the exciting challenges for engineers is the idea of exploration. This lesson looks more closely at Spaceman Rohan, Spacewoman Tess, their daughter Maya, and their challenges with getting to space, setting up satellites, and exploring uncharted waters via a canoe. This lesson reinforces rockets as a vehicle that helps us explore outside the Earth's atmosphere (i.e., to move without air) by using the principles of Newton's third law of motion. Also, the ideas of thrust, control and weight all principles that engineers deal with when building a rocket are introduced.

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Jeff White
Brian Argrow
Luke Simmons
Jay Shah
0.0 stars

Students learn how and why engineers design satellites to benefit life on Earth, as well as explore motion, rockets and rocket motion. Through six lessons and 10 associated hands-on activities, students discover that the motion of all objects everything from the flight of a rocket to the movement of a canoe is governed by Newton's three laws of motion. This unit introduces students to the challenges of getting into space for the purpose of exploration. The ideas of thrust, weight and control are explored, helping students to fully understand what goes into the design of rockets and the value of understanding these scientific concepts. After learning how and why the experts make specific engineering choices, students also learn about the iterative engineering design process as they design and construct their own model rockets. Then students explore triangulation, a concept that is fundamental to the navigation of satellites and global positioning systems designed by engineers; by investigating these technologies, they learn how people can determine their positions and the locations of others.

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
See individual lessons and activities.
A Rose By Any Other Name: The Peculiar Case of Pluto
0.0 stars

This dilemma case, developed for a general astronomy course, provides an introduction to our solar system by highlighting the peculiarities of Pluto. The main character, Dr. Maria Ocasio, is the chair of the Committee on Small Body Nomenclature of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the organization charged with assigning permanent names to asteroids and comets. After reviewing the scientific facts and historical background on Pluto, Dr. Ocasio is faced with the dilemma of deciding "What is Pluto" by answering the question, "What is a planet."

Teresa M. Schulz
Rotation of the Earth
0.0 stars

This activity will help students understand Earth's rotation and the causes for day and night.

Jane Nechville
Jane Nechville Oak Crest Elementaray Belle Plaine, MN