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  • Business and Communication
Icts: Device to Device Communication
0.0 stars

Are you a technophobe? Bluetooth, Ethernet WiFi - are they terms that mean nothing to you? This unit will gently guide you to an understanding of how devices 'talk' to each other and what technologies and processes are involved. You will also look at wired and wireless communication technologies, introducing you to some of the key methods involved.

The Impact Factor (IF) for Journal paper
0.0 stars

يتحدث الفيديو عن نبذة بسيطة عن IF ثم طرق البحث ثم استعراض لاحدى الطرق و اخيرا تنبيهات بسيطة.
مبادرة زاد من الطالب إلى الطالب تهدف إلى إثراء مصادر التعليم الإلكتروني العربية، بنشر المعارف الأكاديمية باللغة العربية في جميع المجالات وخاصة مجال علوم الحاسب والمعلومات، وذلك عن طريق استقبال الفيديوهات التعليمية من المتطوعين وتنقيحها ورفعها على القناة، بالإضافة إلى إقامة ورش ومسابقات لتحفيز المتطوعين على الاستمرار.

رئام ناصر اليحيى
هيلة عبد الله السلوم
Implementing the Project
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Day-to-day monitoring of a project is essential to ensure that work is progressing according to the plan, and it will often be necessary to review and revise the plan as circumstances change. This unit will introduce some of the key techniques that help managers to monitor and control projects, and consider what approaches work best in particular circumstances.

Business and Communication
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The Importance of Interpersonal Skills
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

To succeed in management you need good interpersonal skills, you need to understand how to deal with other people. This unit will help you gain an awareness of your skills and understand that an awareness of the interpersonal skills of others can help us enormously in dealing with the work tasks we are responsible for.

Business and Communication
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Improving Business Processes - Handoffs
0.0 stars

One of the best places to focus process improvement efforts are where there are hand-offs between people. This video explains why and how.

Information Strategies for Communicators
0.0 stars

The definitive text for the information search and evaluation process as practiced by news and strategic communication message producers. Currently used at the University of Minnesota School of Journalism and Mass Communication; JOUR 3004W/V, Information for Mass Communication.

Information Systems for Business and Beyond
0.0 stars

Information Systems for Business and Beyond introduces the concept of information systems, their use in business, and the larger impact they are having on our world.

David T. Bourgeois
Innovation, Markets and Industrial Change
0.0 stars

How does a firm emerge as"leader of the pack'? Why do most of the small firms so common in the early years of new industries disappear? This unit looks at how and why change occurs through the industry life cycle, at the role of innovation and at how production costs, demand and technology interact to shape industrial structure.

Integrated Safety, Health and Environmental Management: An Introduction
0.0 stars

Life is full of risk. In this unit"risk' describes the probability and consequences of harm or, at worst, disaster. Risk management involves many stakeholders and integrated management systems help to ensure that safety, quality, environmental and business risks are all managed correctly. This unit also looks at emergency preparedness, that is, the management of emergencies and disasters.

Intel® Gateway Solutions for IoT | Intel
0.0 stars

Billions of things that affect virtually every aspect of our lives are becoming connected and sharing data in the Internet of Things (IoT). This connectivity is critical to generating the intelligence that can transform business, but how do you get valuable data off of legacy equipment securely, without replacing existing infrastructure? Intel Gateway Solutions for the Internet of Things connect legacy and new systems, and enable seamless and secure data flow between edge devices and the cloud, unlocking the value of industrial data. Intel, along with McAfee and Wind River, provides pre-integrated, pre-validated hardware and software building blocks, with security, connectivity, and manageability features that speed to time to market and reduce deployment costs.

Intel IoT -- What Does The Internet of Things Mean?
0.0 stars

Fun, animated video answers: What does the Internet of Things mean? The Internet of Things (IoT) is an evolution of mobile, home, and embedded devices that are connected to the internet, integrating computing capabilities and using data analytics to extract valuable information. Soon, hundreds of billions of devices will be connected to the Internet. Connected devices become intelligent systems of systems, sharing data over the cloud and transforming our businesses, lives, and world in countless ways. Intel processors are designed to help you get to market faster and allow users to scale solutions across a variety of platforms. Watch to learn more.

The Internet of Things
0.0 stars

The future is here. In this talk, Jordan Duffy, a serial entrepreneur and technology innovation expert, explores how the internet of things is changing our lives in ways we don't even recognise.

Jordan Duffy is a serial entrepreneur, technology innovation expert and, at the age of 21, co-owns Buckham & Duffy, an innovation and rapid development firm with 18 employees. Jordan’s passion for technology and business started at home assembling computers, and his entrepreneurial journey started at age 14 with business partner Alex Buckham. Alex and Jordan have been growing businesses for eight years. Business aside, Jordan is an avid self-educator and driven change maker. He has seen 15 countries, battled cancer and chronic pain, and played drums on the Great Wall of China in the 2008 Olympic Orchestra.

TEDx Talks
The Internet of Things
0.0 stars

Because of the Internet of Things, more electronic devices are being connected to the Internet, and they're talking to each other behind your back. Welcome to WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts. Today, we’re taking a look at the Internet of Things and how it's becoming a major part of our lives, in ways you probably didn't know.

Internet of Things [Explained Easily]
0.0 stars

The world is filled with internet-enabled devices, what can we achieve using it? The answer to this question is well explained in this video.

Internet of things IoT security issues
0.0 stars

The video highlights the security issues when data is saved on cloud storage and emphasizes on protecting of personal data

Luqman Gassama