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  • English Language Arts
How to Write a Basic Paragraph
0.0 stars

This is a writing lesson for absolute beginners. The video shows four very basic rules you must follow when writing simple paragraphs. Learn the basics -- capitals, indentation, line spacing, and more.

How to increase your vocabulary
0.0 stars

http://www.engvid.com Here are some great tips for remembering your vocabulary and learning new words. This lesson will show you how to learn more than one new word at a time and how to practice learning and remembering words that will improve all areas of your English quickly.

How to pray like the prophet Muhammad
0.0 stars

فيديو تعليمي يشرح كيفية الصلاة بالشكل الصحيح وعلى طريقة الرسول علية الصلاة والسلام

Abu Khalid
Hypertext, Hypermedia, and Multimedia
0.0 stars

The aim of this presentation is to introduce the use of hypertext, hypermedia, and multimedia in teaching the English Language. Teachers can benefit from the resource to design their e-lessons whether online or locally.

Abdulaziz Assanosi
IELTS Academic Test Preparation
0.0 stars

Prepare for the IELTS Academic tests in this comprehensive, self-paced course covering listening, speaking, reading and writing

University of Queensland
IPA-American English Consonants
0.0 stars

It's a video about the notion of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and and the pronunciation of English consonants with examples.

Rachel's English
Ideas for Teachers: Active Game to Practice Grammar & Vocab
0.0 stars

Although teachers use different strategies in teaching English language, teaching by games is the most useful technique. It is a good way to deliver the ideas of grammar easily to the students.

The Impact Factor (IF) for Journal paper
0.0 stars

يتحدث الفيديو عن نبذة بسيطة عن IF ثم طرق البحث ثم استعراض لاحدى الطرق و اخيرا تنبيهات بسيطة.
مبادرة زاد من الطالب إلى الطالب تهدف إلى إثراء مصادر التعليم الإلكتروني العربية، بنشر المعارف الأكاديمية باللغة العربية في جميع المجالات وخاصة مجال علوم الحاسب والمعلومات، وذلك عن طريق استقبال الفيديوهات التعليمية من المتطوعين وتنقيحها ورفعها على القناة، بالإضافة إلى إقامة ورش ومسابقات لتحفيز المتطوعين على الاستمرار.

رئام ناصر اليحيى
هيلة عبد الله السلوم
0.0 stars

A presentation addresses the concepts of (Interlanguage). It explains the main features and different aspects of this system.

Abdulaziz Assanosi
An Introduction to Academic Writing
0.0 stars

In this video for the NUST MISiS Academic Writing Center, English Language Fellow John Kotnarowski provides a brief introduction to academic writing in English. More than just the passive voice and formal tone, the video begins by explaining how academic English acts as the “voice” of research and moves on to discuss a few general features of academic writing in English. The video concludes with a series of comments on the value and importance effective communication in written academic English

John Kotnarowski
Introduction to Linguistics
0.0 stars

This book provides users with vitally important information about the study of language. it is useful for undergraduate students because it introduces the main fields of linguistics briefly.

AN Introduction to Psycholinguistics
0.0 stars

The hybrid name psycholinguistics reflects a truly interdisciplinary endeavour: Linguists are engaged in the formal description of language, psycholinguists attempt to discover how the underlying structures are used in the processes of speaking, understanding and remembering, and how they are acquired by children. This clip serves as an introdction to the VLC psycholinguistics class and discusses the main goals of the field.

Introduction to Word Order in German Sentences (Syntax)
0.0 stars

Video of class lecture slides introducing word order in German sentences (syntax). The video first makes a simple comparison between English and German syntax and then moves over to a discussion of the "Time/Manner/Place" concept in German syntax. The video concludes with a demonstration of how the first position in a German sentence can either be occupied by the subject of the sentence, or by any of the Time/Manner/Place components.