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  • Botany
Investigating Photosynthesis: Discovering What Plants Need for Photosynthesis
0.0 stars

In this inquiry lab, students design and conduct simple experiments using elodea and Bromothymol blue to determine whether plants consume or release carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis. Students will record their data which will be used to conclude whether carbon dioxide was consumed or released by the elodea.

Cindy Boese
Cindy Boese, John Adams Middle School, Rochester, MN This activity is an adaptation of the lesson "Autotroph Inquiries: Comings and Goings" from the book Biology Inquiries by Martin Shields (ISBN: 0-789-7652-0).
Investigating Plant Life in Our Nature Center
0.0 stars

This activity is a field investigation where students use a dichotomous key to properly identify trees in our schools nature center.

Holly Hansen
Investigating Simple Plants
0.0 stars

Students will observe simple plants, develop an investigable question, and form an investigation. They will document their investigation in their science notebooks.

Claire Torrey
Investigating Soil: Which Soil Helps Plants Grow?
0.0 stars

This activity is a guided inquiry investigation where students gather data on which soil is the best for growing plants. Student will interpret their data, and develop a conclusion from the data. The student will determine which type of soil they would like to use in the next activity of making their own terrariums. The data collected could lead to further questions, which can be investigated in some extension activities.

kyle johnson
Kyle Johnson
Investigating Tree Leaves
0.0 stars

During the leaf activities the students will compare, contrast, classify, categorize, identify attributes, learn art techniques and learn about the importance of trees.

Investigating Trees
0.0 stars

This activity is a field investigation where students gather information on a tree. Based on the information gathered and student interest, students will develop and carry out an investigation.

Leaf Investigation and Classification
0.0 stars

This activity is a group activity where students investigate leaves and sort them based on established criteria.

Erickson, Jodi
Jodi Erickson Century Elementary Park Rapids MN
Leaf Rubbing and Plant Pressing
0.0 stars

This is a classroom activity where students will make plant rubbings and plant pressings of Minnesota plants.

Betty Johnson
Leaf Walk: Observing and Investigating Leaves
0.0 stars

This activity is a field investigation where students compare leaves, share observations and develop an investigable question to be explored by the class in small groups.

Life Science
0.0 stars

This unit covers the processes of photosynthesis, extinction, biomimicry and bioremediation. In the first lesson on photosynthesis, students learn how engineers use the natural process of photosynthesis as an exemplary model of a complex yet efficient process for converting solar energy to chemical energy or distributing water throughout a system. In the next lesson on species extinction, students learn that it is happening at an alarming rate. Students discover that the destruction of habitat is the main reason many species are threatened and how engineers are trying to stop this habitat destruction. The third lesson introduces students to the idea of biomimicry or looking to nature for engineering ideas. And, in the fourth and final lesson, students learn about a specialty branch of engineering called bioremediation the use of living organisms to aid in the clean up of pollutant spills.

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
See individual lessons and activities.
Light Plants and Dark Plants, Wet Plants and Dry Ones
0.0 stars

Students plant sunflower seeds in plastic cups, and once germinated, expose them to varying light or soil moisture conditions. They measure growth of the seedlings every few days using non-standard measurement (inch cubes). After a few weeks, they compare the growth of plants exposed to the different conditions and make bar comparative graphs, which they analyze to draw conclusions about the needs of plants.

Engineering K-PhD Program,
Mary R. Hebrank (project and lesson/activity consultant)
Photosynthesis Process
0.0 stars

***LOGIN REQUIRED*** This lesson will focus on the process of photosynthesis. It will review the steps in the process, the resources needed to make the process happen, and the results. Students will interact with the steps in the process through pictures that help make memory connections.

Krista Vannest
Plant Anatomy
0.0 stars

***LOGIN REQUIRED*** This lesson is designed as a basic introduction into botany, and understanding the parts and functions of plants. After completion of this lesson students will have identified the main parts of plants including: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit - as well as their respective functions. This lesson is geared for a 90 minute block-schedule However, activities can and should be modified to fit within other instructional periods.

Austin Large
Plant Cycles: Photosynthesis & Transpiration
0.0 stars

What do plants need? Students examine the effects of light and air on green plants, learning the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration. Student teams plant seeds, placing some in sunlight and others in darkness. They make predictions about the outcomes and record ongoing observations of the condition of the stems, leaves and roots. Then, several healthy plants are placed in glass jars with lids overnight. Condensation forms, illustrating the process of transpiration, or the release of moisture to the atmosphere by plants.

Christopher Valenti
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Denise W. Carlson