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  • Functions
Building a Quadratic Function From F(X)=X2
0.0 stars

This is the first of a series of task aiming at understanding the quadratic formula in a geometric way in terms of the graph of a quadratic function.

Illustrative Mathematics
CTE Health Sciences: Medication Dosage
0.0 stars

This task was developed by high school and postsecondary mathematics and health sciences educators, and validated by content experts in the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and the National Career Clusters Knowledge & Skills Statements. It was developed with the purpose of demonstrating how the Common Core and CTE Knowledge & Skills Statements can be integrated into classroom learning - and to provide classroom teachers with a truly authentic task for either mathematics or CTE courses.

CTE Health Sciences: Spread of Disease
0.0 stars

This task was developed by high school and postsecondary mathematics and health sciences educators, and validated by content experts in the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and the National Career Clusters Knowledge & Skills Statements. It was developed with the purpose of demonstrating how the Common Core and CTE Knowledge & Skills Statements can be integrated into classroom learning - and to provide classroom teachers with a truly authentic task for either mathematics or CTE courses.

Calculus I
0.0 stars

This course begins with a review of algebra specifically designed to help and prepare the student for the study of calculus, and continues with discussion of functions, graphs, limits, continuity, and derivatives. The appendix provides a large collection of reference facts, geometry, and trigonometry that will assist in solving calculus problems long after the course is over. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: calculate or estimate limits of functions given by formulas, graphs, or tables by using properties of limits and LĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_hopitalĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_s Rule; state whether a function given by a graph or formula is continuous or differentiable at a given point or on a given interval and justify the answer; calculate average and instantaneous rates of change in context, and state the meaning and units of the derivative for functions given graphically; calculate derivatives of polynomial, rational, common transcendental functions, and implicitly defined functions; apply the ideas and techniques of derivatives to solve maximum and minimum problems and related rate problems, and calculate slopes and rates for function given as parametric equations; find extreme values of modeling functions given by formulas or graphs; predict, construct, and interpret the shapes of graphs; solve equations using NewtonĺÎĺ_ĺĚĺ_s Method; find linear approximations to functions using differentials; festate in words the meanings of the solutions to applied problems, attaching the appropriate units to an answer; state which parts of a mathematical statement are assumptions, such as hypotheses, and which parts are conclusions. This free course may be completed online at any time. It has been developed through a partnership with the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges; the Saylor Foundation has modified some WSBCTC materials. (Mathematics 005)

The Canoe Trip, Variation 1
0.0 stars

The purpose of this task is to give students practice constructing functions that represent a quantity of interest in a context, and then interpreting features of the function in the light of that context. It can be used as either an assessment or a teaching task.

Illustrative Mathematics
The Canoe Trip, Variation 2
0.0 stars

The primary purpose of this task is to lead students to a numerical and graphical understanding of the behavior of a rational function near a vertical asymptote, in terms of the expression defining the function. The canoe context focuses attention on the variables as numbers, rather than as abstract symbols.

Illustrative Mathematics
Carbon 14 Dating
0.0 stars

The task requires the student to use logarithms to solve an exponential equation in the realistic context of carbon dating, important in archaeology and geology, among other places. Students should be guided to recognize the use of the natural logarithm when the exponential function has the given base of e, as in this problem. Note that the purpose of this task is algebraic in nature -- closely related tasks exist which approach similar problems from numerical or graphical stances.

Illustrative Mathematics
Carbon 14 Dating In Practice I
0.0 stars

In the task "Carbon 14 Dating'' the amount of Carbon 14 in a preserved plant is studied as time passes after the plant has died. In practice, however, scientists wish to determine when the plant died and, as this task shows, this is not possible with a simple measurement of the amount of Carbon 14 remaining in the preserved plant. The equation for the amount of Carbon 14 remaining in the preserved plant is in many ways simpler here, using 12 as a base.

Illustrative Mathematics
Carbon 14 Dating In Practice II
0.0 stars

This problem introduces the method used by scientists to date certain organic material. It is based not on the amount of the Carbon 14 isotope remaining in the sample but rather on the ratio of Carbon 14 to Carbon 12. This ratio decreases, hypothetically, at a constant exponential rate as soon as the organic material has ceased to absorb Carbon 14, that is, as soon as it dies. This problem is intended for instructional purposes only. It provides an interesting and important example of mathematical modeling with an exponential function.

Illustrative Mathematics
Carbon 14 Dating, Variation 2
0.0 stars

This exploratory task requires the student to use a property of exponential functions in order to estimate how much Carbon 14 remains in a preserved plant after different amounts of time.

Illustrative Mathematics
Category Theory for Scientists, Spring 2013
0.0 stars

The goal of this class is to prove that category theory is a powerful language for understanding and formalizing common scientific models. The power of the language will be tested by its ability to penetrate into taken-for-granted ideas, either by exposing existing weaknesses or flaws in our understanding, or by highlighting hidden commonalities across scientific fields.

David I. Spivak
Cell Phones
0.0 stars

This simple task assesses whether students can interpret function notation. The four parts of the task provide a logical progression of exercises for advancing understanding of function notation and how to interpret it in terms of a given context.

Illustrative Mathematics
0.0 stars

This Java applet activity allows students to explore the various situations described in "The Chairs Around the Table" lesson (cataloged separately). The user can select Exploration mode, in which the number of chairs needed for a particular arrangement of tables is displayed; or Guess, in which the user is able to construct an arrangement and then predict the number of chairs. There are two types of tables to choose from and two different table arrangements. Instructions and exploration question are provide.

Chairs Around The Table
0.0 stars

In this lesson from Illuminations, students explore and discover linear relationships. Linear patterns are identified, extended and described verbally, numerically and algebraically through three investigations. Using manipulatives and the linked applet, "Chairs", learners determine the number of chairs needed when the number of tables is known, and vice versa. Instructional plan, questions for the students, assessment options, extensions and teacher reflections are provided.

Samuel E. Zordak
Chicken and Steak, Variation 1
0.0 stars

This task presents a real world situation that can be modeled with a linear function best suited for an instructional context.

Illustrative Mathematics
Chicken and Steak, Variation 2
0.0 stars

This task is intended strictly for instructional purposes with the goal of building understandings of linear relationships within a meaningful and, hopefully, somewhat familiar context.

Illustrative Mathematics
Comparing Exponentials
0.0 stars

This task gives students an opportunity to work with exponential functions in a real world context involving continuously compounded interest. They will study how the base of the exponential function impacts its growth rate and use logarithms to solve exponential equations.

Illustrative Mathematics
Compounding with a 100% Interest Rate
0.0 stars

This task is preliminary to F-LE Compounding Interest with a 5% Interest Rate which further develops the relationship between e and compound interest.

Illustrative Mathematics
Compounding with a 5% Interest Rate
0.0 stars

This task develops reasoning behind the general formula for balances under continuously compounded interest. While this task itself specifically addresses the standard (F-BF), building functions from a context, a auxiliary purpose is to introduce and motivate the number e, which plays a significant role in the (F-LE) domain of tasks.

Illustrative Mathematics