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  • Business and Communication
Java Lecture 4 Part1-3
0.0 stars

التعرف على الفرق بين انواع المتغيرات primitive datatype و wrapper class
-معرفة التحويل بين انواع المتغيرات باستخدام parseInt ,parseFloat etc
- التعرف على استخدام الامر printf
-التعرف على امر if
-التعرف على امر switch

Java Programming - Conditional Statements- IF Conditions
0.0 stars

هذا الدرس تم إعداده للمبتدئين فى تعلم لغة الجافا أو حتى الذين يرغبون فى تعلم أساسيات البرمجة بإستخدام لغة الجافا و هو معد باللغة العربية لتخطى عائق اللغة و التركيز على إستيعاب المفاهيم الأساسية للبرمجة و يشرح كيفية وضع الشروط فى برنامج الجافا

محمد ابراهيم الدسوقى
Java Programming - Data Structure and Algorithms in Java
0.0 stars

Data Structure tutorial and Algorithms in Java with practical examples and code practices. This java data structure tutorial will cover up bunch of topics and some of them are the following:

Stack in java
Queue in java
Sorting in java
Linked list in java
Singly Linked list in java
Doubly linked list in java
Trees in java
Binary search tree in java
Hash table in java
Student Management System

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Awais Mirza
Job Order Costing
0.0 stars

In this series of videos, we examine job order costing and the predetermined overhead rate. In the first video, we will look at cost concepts and the predetermined overhead rate. In the next 3 parts we will do a comprehensive example of job order costing involving journal entries, applying overhead and generating an income statement.

Tony Bell of Thompson Rivers University
Job Order Costing - Part 2
0.0 stars

In this series of videos, we examine job order costing and the predetermined overhead rate. In the first video, we will look at cost concepts and the predetermined overhead rate. In the next 3 parts we will do a comprehensive example of job order costing involving journal entries, applying overhead and generating an income statement.

Tony Bell of Thompson Rivers University
Job Order Costing - Part 3
0.0 stars

In this series of videos, we examine job order costing and the predetermined overhead rate. In the first video, we will look at cost concepts and the predetermined overhead rate. In the next 3 parts we will do a comprehensive example of job order costing involving journal entries, applying overhead and generating an income statement.

Tony Bell of Thompson Rivers University
Job Order Costing - Part 4
0.0 stars

In this series of videos, we examine job order costing and the predetermined overhead rate. In the first video, we will look at cost concepts and the predetermined overhead rate. In the next 3 parts we will do a comprehensive example of job order costing involving journal entries, applying overhead and generating an income statement.

Tony Bell of Thompson Rivers University
Job Search Skills
0.0 stars

A guide to information on how to target jobs and/or careers that are desirable and realistic for you and that fill a need for employers in todayĺÎĺs challenging job market.

Job Search and Networking Tutorials
0.0 stars

Learn the latest methods for finding a job including searching online, networking and using social media.

Job Success Tutorial
0.0 stars

Pick up the practices, strategies and techniques that will earn you success and satisfaction in the workplace

KPI Examples for Entrepreneurs
0.0 stars

In this video, we look at a few KPI examples and how they would relate to real life businesses. A KPI, or Key Performance Indicator, is a business metric that an entrepreneur can use to gauge the performance of his or her company. When working with new clients, I always tell them to choose no more than 3 to 5 indicators, to keep them simple, and to make sure the whole team understands how their performance effects them.

Ignite Spot Accounting Services
KPI Made Simple
0.0 stars

You will understand what is Key Performance indicator (KPI) with this short video clips

Key Skill assessment Unit: Problem Solving
0.0 stars

Problem solving runs through many activities. Often problems are contexts for focusing ideas and stimulating further investigation or discussion. Framing an issue appropriately - identifying why it is a problem, recognising factors that might have a bearing on it and outlining what an acceptable resolution or solution might look like, are important approaches. Improving your problem solving skills means raising your awareness of this process. In developing and assessing this key skill you will learn to use and adapt your skills confidently and effectively in different situations and contexts. This unit is designed to be studied for 1 hour per week over 50 weeks.

Key Skill assessment Unit: Working With Others
0.0 stars

Working effectively with other people in a group or a team is a skill valued highly by community and educational organisations, as well as employers. Working in a group is about communicating effectively, contributing ideas, listening and receiving feedback, and leading or following as appropriate. Developing your skills means thinking about and planning the tasks the group needs to do, negotiating with others to develop shared goals and purpose, collaborating to achieve agreed results and then reviewing the approach. In developing and assessing the key skill of working with others you will learn to use and adapt your skills confidently and effectively in different situations and contexts. This unit is designed to be studied for 1 hour per week over 50 weeks.

Killing Coyote: A Film Analysis and Role-Play Case
0.0 stars

In this interrupted case study, students view a documentary film about a coyote hunting contest and then assume the role of various stakeholders in coyote management in the western United States to explore issues associated with wildlife management. As part of this, students complete a number of associated activities in which they are asked to reflect upon their ethical perspective regarding wildlife management. The case would be appropriate for use in a wildlife management, ecology, mid-level biology, or environmental ethics course.

Keely Roen
Knowledge Technologies in Context
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This unit explores knowledge technologies, that is, software systems that can represent, interpret, formalize or interrogate phenomena and create models of how the world works. It demonstrates how a well designed system can have positive effects on the work 'ecosystem', potentially allowing more time for people to concentrate on their strengths. Emphasizing core concepts of representation, interpretation and situated use in context, this unit will help masters students and those involved in specifying and designing software for business understand how such systems can help manage knowledge as well as providing a framework for evaluating claims made by technology vendors and researchers.

Business and Communication
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The Life Sciences Industry: An Introduction
0.0 stars

This unit covers the emergence of the Life Sciences sector out of its precursor the pharmaceutical industry. After examining some historical perspectives it uses case studies to look at developments in the science, business and, primarily, management strategies used in Life Sciences. It also briefly considers Life Sciences' place in the wider story of health provision. This introductory unit will be of interest to managers in the Life Sciences sector and to the general reader.