This lesson introduces the Celsius and Farenheit scales for measuring temperature. The freezing and boiling point of water on each scale is introduced.
- Author:
- Khan, Salman
This lesson introduces the Celsius and Farenheit scales for measuring temperature. The freezing and boiling point of water on each scale is introduced.
This lesson shows the usefulness of a number line for comparing decimals.
Using common factors, this lesson shows how to compare fractions to determine if they are equivalent.
This lesson compares fractions with same and different denominators and uses the <, >, and = signs to write equivalency statements.
This lesson shows how conversion between metric units is based on units of 10.
This lesson shows how to convert farenheit temperature to celsius, and celsius to farenheit
This lesson shows how to write a fraction as a decimal number.
This lesson discusses the relationship of units of measurement of volume and the need to know these standard measurements in order to convert them to solve everyday problems.
How do you convert a mixed number to an improper fraction? This lesson reviews the process to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction.
This lesson talks about converting units of weight into a common unit. Also discussed is the importance of knowing that there are 16 ounces are in every pound for reference.
This lesson continues to discuss the conversion of different units of length into a common unit of measurement. Also discussed is the importance of knowingthat there are 5,2890 feet in a mile for reference.
This lesson demonstrates problems that convert units of measurement in the metric system.
This lesson reviews how to determine place value in a number by the placement of the decimal point.
This lesson continues to discuss the place value in relationship to the decimal point in a number
This lesson shows how to write a decimal number as a fraction.
This lesson shows how to determin where a decimal lies on the number line.
This lesson reviews percent as portions per hundred.
This lesson shows how percents represent parts of a whole.
This arithmetic lesson reviews basic subtraction and presents several ways to visualize a subtraction problem.
This lesson shows how to shift decimals in the divisor and divident in order to be able to divide fractions.