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  • Business and Communication
Life Simplified with Connected Devices
0.0 stars

A vision of how life is enhanced and simplified by connecting our possessions to the Cloud. The Connected Devices Laboratory at Brigham Young University is bringing this vision to reality.

kelly Flangan
LinkedIn Basics Tutorial
0.0 stars

LinkedIn is the best resource for professional networking, but it's not always easy to use. Discover basics strategies for getting the most out of LinkedIn

The Liquidity Trap
0.0 stars

Describes Keynes' Liquidity Trap and the
implications for Monetary Policy

شرح لمصيدة السيولة بأسلوب مبسط

Making Decisions
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Do you hate making decisions? Does the ability of others to make snap decisions really frustrate you? This unit will help you understand some of the processes involved in decision making. Attention to the psychology of decision making and the social context in which decisions are made can improve your understanding of others and yourself.

Business and Communication
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Management Leadership (Business 401)
0.0 stars

This course will begin with an introduction that will help further the distinction between leadership and management, and then you will be introduced to major theories and models of leadership and of leadership development from a variety of perspectives. Next, you will be introduced to the process of decision-making in a variety of leadership settings. You will then study the processes of leading independently, or without direct authority. The final unit will focus on managing groups and teams. You may not be a leader after concluding this course, but you certainly will have a better understanding of the qualities of leadership. Perhaps you will discover there is a leader right at your fingertips.

Management and Information Processing
0.0 stars

This course will provide you with a structured introduction to the key tools and techniques used in information management and processing. This course will also provide you with an understanding of practical approaches and techniques, such as integrating content from various sources and constructing graphs to show data relationships that are often used to process and present information in business decision-making.

Management, علم الاقتصاد
0.0 stars

The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of the principles of microeconomics. At its core, the study of economics deals with the choices and decisions that have to be made in order to manage scarce resources available to us.

مؤسسة سيلور
Managing Complexity: A Systems Approach
0.0 stars

Do you need to change the way you think when faced with a complex situation? This unit examines how systemic thinking and practice enables you to cope with the connections between things, events and ideas. By taking a broader perspective complexity becomes manageable and it is easier to accept that gaps in knowledge can be acceptable.

Managing Groups and Teams
0.0 stars

It is often remarked that groups are everywhere, whether in our social lives, our work lives, or even our families. In each of these situations, sets of individuals decide to work collectively to achieve particular goals.

However, although groups are everywhere and we participate in them constantly, we do not understand them very well. Many of us can tell stories of groups that seemed perfect for a given task, but which failed. And we all have reasons (or excuses) that explain such failures.

But our experiences in groups suffer precisely because we are with them.

The study of groups as a phenomenon that is unique and different from other social phenomena is very active, reflecting both the importance it has and how much we still don't know about groups.

Managing Projects Through People
0.0 stars

The importance of managing people for the success of a project cannot be underestimated. This unit identifies the groups and individuals whose appropriate involvement in a project is important for its success, and considers the ways in which their contribution might be maximised.

Manufacturing System and Supply Chain Design, Spring 2005
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

15.763 focuses on decision making for system design, as it arises in manufacturing systems and supply chains. Students are exposed to frameworks and models for structuring the key issues and trade-offs. The class presents and discusses new opportunities, issues and concepts introduced by the internet and e-commerce. It also introduces various models, methods and software tools for logistics network design, capacity planning and flexibility, make-buy, and integration with product development. Industry applications and cases illustrate concepts and challenges. Recommended for operations management concentrators. Second half-term subject.

Applied Science
Business and Communication
Career and Technical Education
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Graves, Stephen
Simchi-Levi, David
Date Added:
Mapping a Successful Workflow
0.0 stars

The goal of this recorded webinar is to provide a brief introduction to the best practices for workflow charting and review ways to identify deficiencies in your existing processes.

MES Hybrid Document Systems
The Market-Led Organization
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Marketing means different things to different people. How do you decide who to aim a campaign at? If you already have a background in marketing, this unit will improve your understanding of market orientation and (going to market). It also assesses the importance of managing key internal and external relationships.

Business and Communication
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Marketing Model
0.0 stars

***LOGIN REQUIRED*** This course is designed prepare students for entry-level positions in marketing, advertising and/or public relations. The course will focus on the basic concepts of economics and the fundamentals of marketing. Students will learn to make realistic management decisions as they apply what they have learned in the classroom to realistic business simulations and other activities.Integrated throughout the course are career preparation standards, which include basic academic skills, communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving, and workplace safety, technology and employment literacy connection to core academic standards.

Mastering Strategic Management-1st Canadian Edition
0.0 stars

Mastering Strategic Management is designed to enhance student engagement in three innovative ways. The first is through visual adaptations of the key content in the book. It is well documented that many of today’s students are visual learners. To meet students’ wants and needs (and thereby create a much better teaching experience for professors), Mastering Strategic Management contains multiple graphic concept pages in ever section of every chapter of the book. Think of graphic concept pages as almost like info-graphics for key concepts in each 

Janice Edwards
Jeremy Short
David Try
Dave Ketchen
Media Studies 101
0.0 stars

Media Studies 101 is the open educational resource for media studies studies in New Zealand, Australia, and Pacifica. We have constructed this text so it can be read in a number of ways. You may wish to follow the structured order of 'chapters' like you would in a traditional printed textbook. Each section builds on and refers back to previous sections to build up your knowledge and skills. Alternatively, you may want to go straight to the section you are interested in -- links will help guide you back to definitions and key ideas if you need to refresh your knowledge or understand a new concept.

Hannah Mettner
Colette Snowden
Shah Nister J. Kabir
Sy Taffel
Thelma Fisher
Brett Nicholls
Khin-Wee Chen
Maud Ceuterick
Massimiliana Urbana
Martina Wengenmeir
Erika Pearson
Hazel Phillips
Bernard Madill
Sarah Gallagher
Jane Ross
Media and Society
0.0 stars

A comprehensive exploration of the underlaying forces that influence the content that is projected on the media. Unit 1 aims to define mass communication, mass media, and culture. It also will introduce the core concepts of media literacy and the concept of transmedia, the practice of integrating entertainment experiences across a range of different media platforms. Unit 2 will introduce selected theories that will help in analyzing mass communication and its effects. Subsequent units will explore individual mediums, with final unit focusing on media ethics and the relationship between the media and the government.

Microeconomics, Fall 2010
0.0 stars

Microeconomics will ground you in - surprise - basic microeconomics-how markets function, how to think about allocating scarce resources among competing uses, what profit maximizing behavior means in industries with different numbers of competitors, how technology and trade reshapes the opportunities people face, and so on. We will apply economic ideas to understand current economic problems, including the housing bubble, the current unemployment situation (particularly for high school gradutes), how Google makes its money and why healthcare costs are rising so fast.

Levy, Frank
Microwave Antenna Alignment
0.0 stars

The Path Align-R™ test set is a high performance, complete test solution designed to quickly and accurately optimize the transmission path between two antennas.

William TONKIN