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  • Business and Communication
Working Life and Learning
0.0 stars

What is your experience of work and what did you learn from this experience? This unit will enable you to reflect upon what you have learned from work and support you in improving how you learn at work. It will encourage you to think critically about work-based learning and review your own professional knowledge and skills.

The Open University
Workshop in IT: Collaborative Innovation Networks, Fall 2011
0.0 stars

Diversity begets creativity - in this seminar we tap the amazing power of swarm creativity on the Web by studying and working together as Collaborative Innovation Networks (COINs). As interdisciplinary teams of MIT management, SCAD design, University of Cologne informatics, and Aalto University software engineering students we will explore how to discover latest trends on the Web, and how to make them succeed in online social networks. We study a wide range of methods for predictive analytics (coolhunting) and online social marketing (coolfarming), mostly based on social network analysis and the emerging science of collaboration. Students will also learn to use our own unique MIT-developed Condor tool for Web mining, social network analysis, and trend prediction.

Peter Gloor
Would You Supersize My Cancer, Please?: A Case Study Exploring Chemicals in the News
0.0 stars

The recent discovery of acrylamide in both fried and baked foods like French fries and potato chips has caused alarm. Acrylamide is both a known carcinogen in animals when administered in high doses and a neurotoxin when humans are exposed to large amounts in the workplace. However, the link between acrylamide in food and human health is much less clear. In working through the case, students compare the accuracy of news headlines, articles, and web pages with the information presented in scientific journals. This case was designed for non-science major courses and can also be used in seminars.

Ashley Coffelt
Mark M. Richter
The birth of the computer
0.0 stars

Historian George Dyson tells stories from the birth of the modern computer — from its 17th-century origins to the hilarious notebooks of some early computer engineers.

George Dyson
A computer that works like the brain
0.0 stars

Researcher Kwabena Boahen is looking for ways to mimic the brain's supercomputing powers in silicon — because the messy, redundant processes inside our heads actually make for a small, light, superfast computer.

Kwabena Boahen
The currency of the new economy is trust
0.0 stars

There's been an explosion of collaborative consumption — web-powered sharing of cars, apartments, skills. Rachel Botsman explores the currency that makes systems like Airbnb and Taskrabbit work: trust, influence, and what she calls "reputation capital."
Rachel Botsman is a recognized expert on how collaboration and trust enabled by digital technologies will change the way we live, work, bank and consume

Rachel Botsman
The future of flying robots
0.0 stars

At his lab at the University of Pennsylvania, Vijay Kumar and his team have created autonomous aerial robots inspired by honeybees. Their latest breakthrough: Precision Farming, in which swarms of robots map, reconstruct and analyze every plant and piece of fruit in an orchard, providing vital information to farmers that can help improve yields and make water management smarter.

Vijay Kumar
The future of money
0.0 stars

What happens when the way we buy, sell and pay
for things changes, perhaps even removing the need for banks or currency exchange bureaus? That's the radical promise of a world powered by cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. We're not there yet, but in this sparky talk, digital currency researcher Neha Narula describes the collective fiction of money — and paints a picture of a very different looking future.

Neha Narula
management information system
0.0 stars

ان ثقافة نظم المعلومات ھي اوسع من ثقافة الحواسیب حیث تتطلب فھما للمنظمة والادارة والابعاد التكنولوجیة . ویمكن لنظم المعلومات ان توصف بانھا الحلول الاداریة والتنظیمیة للتحدیات التي تفرضھا بیئة المنظمة وتساعد على تأمین القیمة للمنظمة.

افتخار سعيد علي
marketing Three
0.0 stars

إن إدارة الطلب تعني إدارة المستهلكين، فالطلب على إنتاج الشركة ينطلق من مجموعتين: الزبائن الجدد والزبائن الدائمين، وكانت نظرية وممارسة التسويق التقليدي مركزة على جذب الزبائن الجدد وبيعهم السلع أو الخدمات. وأما اليوم فقد تغير الظروف، فإضافة إلى اتباع استراتيجيات تهدف إلى جذب زائن جدد وعقد الصفقات معهم تقوم الشركات بكل ما هو ممكن للحفاظ على زبائنها القدامى ودعم العلاقات الدائمة معهم.

Sobhi Akbik
The puzzle of motivation
0.0 stars

Career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don't: Traditional rewards aren't always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories -- and maybe, a way forward.

Dan Pink
0.0 stars

وأخيرا هاتف متوسط السعر من ابل شبيه للأيفون أكس و بمواصفات رهييبه !!

 your brain will not be the same
0.0 stars

In a classic research-based TEDx Talk, Dr. Lara Boyd describes how neuroplasticity gives you the power to shape the brain you want.

Lara Boyd
آداب (سلوك)
0.0 stars

الآدَاب مصطلح يعني "احترام النفس واحترام الآخرين وحسن التعامل معهم"، ويعني أيضاً "الآداب الإجتماعية والآداب السلوكية واللباقة وفن التصرف في المواقف الحرجة"، كما يعني أيضاً "الآداب العامة في التعامل مع الأشياء ومرجعيتها هي الثقافة الإنسانية الشاملة التي قلما تختلف من بلد إلى آخر".

ويكبيديا الموسوعة الحرة
أأكبر عمليّة احتيال في تاريخ البشرية , الأسرار الخفية للمال - الحلقة الرابعة
0.0 stars

أنتَ علي وشك اكتشاف واحد من أعظم الأسرار في تاريخ العالم , سرُّ ؛ له آثار ضخمة علي كل من يعيش على هذا الكوكب معظم الناس يمكن أن يشعروا بداخلهم أن شيئا ما ليس صحيحاً حول الإقتصاد العالمي، ولكن قلّة تُعرف ما هو . لقد ولّت الأيّام التي يمكن للعائلة فيها البّقاء على قيد الحياة براتب أجر واحد فقط .
كيف يعمل النظام النقدي الحديث؟ كيف تقوم البنوك بتوليد النقود .

أأمن عشرة منازل على كوكب الأرض
0.0 stars

يتحدث عن المنازل الأكثر أمان من السرقة أو الزلازل أو الصواريخ الباليستة ويعرضها بالصور بطريقة شيقة
