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  • Computer Science
Computational Models of Discourse, Spring 2004
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0.0 stars

This course is a graduate level introduction to automatic discourse processing. The emphasis will be on methods and models that have applicability to natural language and speech processing. The class will cover the following topics: discourse structure, models of coherence and cohesion, plan recognition algorithms, and text segmentation. We will study symbolic as well as machine learning methods for discourse analysis. We will also discuss the use of these methods in a variety of applications ranging from dialogue systems to automatic essay writing. This subject qualifies as an Artificial Intelligence and Applications concentration subject.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Regina Barzilay
Date Added:
Computer Architecture
0.0 stars

The purpose of this course is to cultivate an understanding of modern computing technology through an in-depth study of the interface between hardware and software. The student will study the history of modern computing technology before learning about modern computer architecture, then the recent switch from sequential processing to parallel processing. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: identify important advances that have taken place in the history of modern computing and discuss some of the latest trends in computing industry; explain how programs written in high-level programming language, such as C or Java, can be translated into the language of the hardware; describe the interface between hardware and software and explain how software instructs hardware to accomplish desired functions; demonstrate an understanding of the process of carrying out sequential logic design; demonstrate an understanding of computer arithmetic hardware blocks and floating point representation; explain how a hardware programming language is executed on hardware and how hardware and software design affect performance; demonstrate an understanding of the factors that determine the performance of a program; demonstrate an understanding of the techniques that designers use to improve the performance of programs running on hardware; demonstrate an understanding of the importance of memory hierarchy in computer design and explain how memory design impacts overall hardware performance; demonstrate an understanding of storage and I/O devices, their performance measurement, and redundant array of inexpensive disks (more commonly referred to by the acronym RAID) technology; list the reasons for and the consequences of the recent switch from sequential processing to parallel processing in hardware manufacture and explain the basics of parallel programming. (Computer Science 301)

Computer Communications and Networks
0.0 stars

Detailed introduction to the basic hardware and software, architectural components for computer communications in local area networks. The components that are focused upon include understanding the basics of computer networks, switching, routing, protocols and security.

Computer Graphics, Fall 2012
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0.0 stars

Introduction to computer graphics hardware, algorithms, and software. Topics include: line generators, affine transformations, line and polygon clipping, splines, interactive techniques, perspective projection, solid modeling, hidden surface algorithms, lighting models, shading, and animation. Substantial programming experience required. 6.837 offers an introduction to computer graphics hardware, algorithms, and software. Topics include: line generators, affine transformations, line and polygon clipping, splines, interactive techniques, perspective projection, solid modeling, hidden surface algorithms, lighting models, shading, and animation. Substantial programming experience is required.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Durand, Fredo
Wojciech Matusik
Date Added:
Computer Language Engineering, Spring 2010
0.0 stars

This course analyzes issues associated with the implementation of higher-level programming languages. Topics covered include: fundamental concepts, functions, and structures of compilers, the interaction of theory and practice, and using tools in building software. The course includes a multi-person project on compiler design and implementation.

Amarasinghe, Saman
Rinard, Martin
Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Practice
0.0 stars

Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols, and Practice was written and submitted to the Open Textbook Challenge by Dr. Olivier Bonaventure of the UniversitĄ_偀ŕ catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. He also serves as the Education Director of ACM SIGCOMM. Computer Networking has already been used by several universities around the world, including UCL.

Olivier Bonaventure
Computer Networks, Fall 2002
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Topics on the engineering and analysis of network protocols and architecture, including: architectural principles for designing heterogeneous networks; congestion control; unicast and multicast routing; wireless and mobile networking; network quality of service; router design; network security; streaming and multicast applications; naming; content distribution; and peer-to-peer networking. Readings from original research papers, industry white papers, and Internet RFCs. Semester-long project and paper.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Balakrishnan, Hari
Date Added:
Computer Programming: Fun with Strings
0.0 stars

This lesson shows how to experiment and see what can be done with strings in Python programming. [Computer Programming playlist: 5 of 23]

Khan, Salman
Computer Programming: Insertion Sort in Python
0.0 stars

This lesson demonstrates implementation of the insertion sort algorithm. [Computer Programming playlist: 21 of 23]

Khan, Salman