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  • Life Science
5 dangerous things you should let your kids do
0.0 stars

At TED U, Gever Tulley, founder of the Tinkering School, spells out 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do — and why a little danger is good for both kids and grownups.

5 ways to listen better
0.0 stars

In our louder and louder world, says sound expert Julian Treasure, "We are losing our listening." In this short, fascinating talk, Treasure shares five ways to re-tune your ears for conscious listening — to other people and the world around you.

5 young inventors who are changing how we stay healthy
0.0 stars

These speakers — all under 21 when they gave their talks — have big ideas for our health. Meet young people who are taking on cancer, asthma, injuries, even Alzheimer’s with a bold new approach.

5 طرق للقيادة في عصر التغير الدائم
0.0 stars

من قال أنه يجب على التغيير أن يكون صعباً؟ يعتقد خبير التغيير المؤسساتي جيم هيمرلينغ بأنه من شأن ملاءمة طريقة عملك في هذا العالم المتطور بشكل مستمر أن يكون سبب تنشيط عوضاً عن أن يكون سبب تثببط. لقد حدد جيم خمس ضرورات تتمحور حول منح الأولوية للناس، وذلك لتحويل إعادة تنظيم الشركة لمهمة تحفيزية ومنشطة للجميع.

Jim Hemerling
7 Sounds from Neutron Stars(Pulsars)
0.0 stars

In this video I'll show you sounds from 7 Neutron Stars and these sounds are not fake they're real sounds but the different is the frequency isn't audible by humans and it's very far from the range which human ears can detect but they(NASA, Chandra X-ray Observatory etc.) shifted the frequency to make it audible and please do not make funny comments. LOL.

Anuruk Suriyaarachchi
7 من أهم مزايا التعليم الالكتروني
0.0 stars

يستعرض المقال أهم 7 من أهم مزايا التعليم الالكتروني التي جعلت منه ظاهرة متسارعة الانتشار حتى في العالم العربي .

نجيب زوحى
9 دلائل تثبت أن (عقلك يمكن تقوية قدراته) في أسبوع واحد
0.0 stars

من المحتمل ان يكون العقل البشرى اكثر عضوا غامضا فى جسمنا , والعلماء يعرفون حقائق جديدة عن طريقة عمله ولكنه مازال يخبىء الكثير من الأسرار!
لهذا قررنا تعريفك في مقطع فيديو بأهم الاكتشافات فى السنوات القليلة الماضية عن ابحاث العقل البشرى !
هناك بعض الأساليب البسيطة التى تمكنك من تقوية عقلك وتحسين قدراتك العقلية وبالتأكيد النتائج ستفاجئك !

قناة كل شيء
ACLS Basic Airway management
0.0 stars

Published on Jun 23, 2014
Standard YouTube License

Simple CPR
ACLS Megacode
0.0 stars

Published on Jun 23, 2014
Standard YouTube License

Simple CPR
ACLS Using Endotracheal Tube
0.0 stars

Published on Jun 23, 2014
Standard YouTube License

ACLS Using an LMA
0.0 stars

Published on Jun 23, 2014
Standard YouTube License

AH-CHOO!: A Case Study on Climate Change and Allergies
0.0 stars

As the carbon dioxide concentration of our atmosphere increases and our climate warms, the hay fever season seems to be getting longer and more severe. In this case study, students assume the a role of a public relations specialist contracted to communicate the link between climate change and pollen allergies. The activity focuses on the importance of scientific skills to careers outside science, and is most suitable for a lower-level introductory biology, human health, or environmental science course.

Luke Sandro
Richard E. Lee, Jr.
Juanita Constible
0.0 stars

Aseptic processing is the main technical operation in Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Production. The presentation teaches all the educational details for students and young executives

Biobridge Healthcare
ATP: The Fuel of Life
0.0 stars

The goal of this lesson is to introduce students who are interested in human biology and biochemistry to the subtleties of energy metabolism (typically not presented in standard biology and biochemistry textbooks) through the lens of ATP as the primary energy currency of the cell. Avoiding the details of the major pathways of energy production (such as glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation), this lesson is focused exclusively on ATP, which is truly the fuel of life. Starting with the discovery and history of ATP, this lesson will walk the students through 8 segments (outlined below) interspersed by 7 in-class challenge questions and activities, to the final step of ATP production by the ATP synthase, an amazing molecular machine. A basic understanding of the components and subcellular organization (e.g. organelles, membranes, etc.) and chemical foundation (e.g. biomolecules, chemical equilibrium, biochemical energetics, etc.) of a eukaryotic cell is a desired prerequisite, but it is not a must. Through interactive in-class activities, this lesson is designed to spark the students’ interest in biochemistry and human biology as a whole, but could serve as an introductory lesson to teaching advanced concepts of metabolism and bioenergetics in high school depending on the local science curriculum. No supplies or materials are needed.

Christian Schubert
Abdominal Cavity and Laparoscopic Surgery
0.0 stars

For students interested in studying biomechanical engineering, especially in the field of surgery, this lesson serves as an anatomy and physiology primer of the abdominopelvic cavity. Students are introduced to the abdominopelvic cavity—a region of the body that is the focus of laparoscopic surgery—as well as the benefits and drawbacks of laparoscopic surgery. Understanding the abdominopelvic environment and laparoscopic surgery is critical for biomechanical engineers who design laparoscopic surgical tools.

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Benjamin S. Terry, Brandi N. Briggs, Stephanie Rivale, Denise W. Carlson