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  • Career and Technical Education
Biomimicry: Echolocation in Robotics
0.0 stars

Students use ultrasonic sensors and LEGO© MINDSTORMS© NXT robots to emulate how bats use echolocation to detect obstacles. They measure the robot's reaction times as it senses objects at two distances and with different sensor threshold values, and again after making adjustments to optimize its effectiveness. Like engineers, they gather and graph data to analyze a given design (from the tutorial) and make modifications to the sensor placement and/or threshold values in order to improve the robot's performance (iterative design). Students see how problem solving with biomimicry design is directly related to understanding and making observations of nature.

AMPS GK-12 Program,
James Muldoon
Blender 3D: Noob to Pro
0.0 stars

Blender 3D: Noob to Pro is a product of shared effort by numerous team members and anonymous editors. Its purpose is to teach people how to create three-dimensional computer graphics using Blender, a free software application. This book is intended to be used in conjunction with other on-line resources that complement it.

Both Fields at Once?!
0.0 stars

This lesson discusses the result of a charge being subject to both electric and magnetic fields at the same time. It covers the Hall effect, velocity selector, and the charge to mass ratio. Given several sample problems, students learn to calculate the Hall Voltage dependent upon the width of the plate, the drift velocity, and the strength of the magnetic field. Then students learn to calculate the velocity selector, represented by the ratio of the magnitude of the fields assuming the strength of each field is known. Finally, students proceed through a series of calculations to arrive at the charge to mass ratio. A homework set is included as an evaluation of student progress.

VU Bioengineering RET Program, School of Engineering,
Eric Appelt
Breathe Easy...Plant Respiration
0.0 stars

***LOGIN REQUIRED*** This lesson will discuss the process of respiration. We will also compare the similarities and differences between respiration and photosynthesis.

Krista Vannest
Browser-Based Tools Show Current and Historical Crop Cover and Health
0.0 stars

To manage their businesses successfully, farmers and food production companies need to know what crops are in the ground and how well they are growing. A pair of easy-to-use online mapping tools provides this information for growing seasons in the past and present.

Build a Small Radar System Capable of Sensing Range, Doppler, and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, January IAP 2011
0.0 stars

Are you interested in building and testing your own imaging radar system? MIT Lincoln Laboratory offers this 3-week course in the design, fabrication, and test of a laptop-based radar sensor capable of measuring Doppler, range, and forming synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. You do not have to be a radar engineer but it helps if you are interested in any of the following; electronics, amateur radio, physics, or electromagnetics. It is recommended that you have some familiarity with MATLAB;. Teams of three students will receive a radar kit and will attend a total of 5 sessions spanning topics from the fundamentals of radar to SAR imaging. Experiments will be performed each week as the radar kit is implemented. You will bring your radar kit into the field and perform additional experiments such as measuring the speed of passing cars or plotting the range of moving targets. A final SAR imaging contest will test your ability to form a SAR image of a target scene of your choice from around campus; the most detailed and most creative image wins.

Charvat, Gregory L.
Williams, Jonathan H.
Kogon, Steve
Herd, Jeffrey S.
Fenn, Alan J.
Building Technology III: Building Structural Systems, Fall 2004
0.0 stars

This course addresses advanced structures, exterior envelopes and contemporary production technologies. It continues the exploration of structural elements and systems, and expands to include more complex determinante, indeterminate, long-span and high-rise systems. It covers topics such as reinforced concrete, steel and engineered wood design, and provides an introduction to tensile systems. Lectures also address the contemporary exterior envelope with an emphasis on their performance attributes and advanced manufacturing technologies.

Fernandez, John
Building a Piezoelectric Generator
0.0 stars

Students learn how to build simple piezoelectric generators to power LEDs. To do this, they incorporate into a circuit a piezoelectric element that converts movements they make (mechanical energy) into electrical energy, which is stored in a capacitor (short-term battery). Once enough energy is stored, they flip a switch to light up an LED. Students also learn how much (surprisingly little) energy can be converted using the current state of technology for piezoelectric materials.

National Science Foundation GK-12 and Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Programs, University of Houston,
Matthew Zelisko, Kimberly Anderson
Bulbs & Batteries in a Row
0.0 stars

Everyday we are surrounded by circuits that use "in parallel" and "in series" circuitry. Complicated circuits designed by engineers are composed of many simpler parallel and series circuits. During this activity, students build a simple series circuit and discover the properties associated with series circuits.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Xochitl Zamora Thompson
Sabre Duren
Denise Carlson
Daria Kotys-Schwartz
Joe Friedrichsen
Business Intelligence Systems
0.0 stars

The aim of this article is to show the importance of business intelligence and its growing influence. It also shows when the concept of business intelligence was used for the first time and how it evolved over time. The paper discusses the utility of a business intelligence system in any organization and its contribution to daily activities. Furthermore, we highlight the role and the objectives of business intelligence systems inside an organization and the needs to grow the incomes and reduce the costs, to manage the complexity of the business environment and to cut IT costs so that the organization survives in the current competitive climate. The article contains information about architectural principles of a business intelligence system and how such a system can be achieved.

Business Process Improvement 101
0.0 stars

Business Process Improvement 101 by Synoptic Consulting http://www.synoptic.com.au

See what they don't teach you in BPR, BPI, BPM, Six Sigma, Lean, TQM etc. Learn how to REALLY read a process map. Learn how to find the '4 key metrics' of any process. Learn how to use these to predict and quantify efficiency, throughput and service level improvements to support a business case for change.

Business Process Improvement Steps
0.0 stars

This video shows you how to improve business processes by applying utilizing the highly effective Process Improvement Lifecycle. Process improvement, improving processes, business growth, process management, process tutorial, how to improve processes, process tools, process techniques, process standardization, process mapping, business processes, business process engineering.

Victor Holman
CCA: a Calculus of Context-aware Ambients
0.0 stars

We present a process calculus, CCA, for the modelling
and verification of mobile systems that are context-aware.
This process calculus is built upon the calculus of mobile
ambients and introduces new constructs to enable ambients
and processes to be aware of the environment in which they
are being executed. This results in a powerful calculus where
mobility and context-awareness are first-class citizens. We
present the syntax and a formal semantics of the calculus.
We show that CCA can encode the π-calculus, and illustrate
the pragmatics of the calcul

CRM in Odoo / OpenERP
0.0 stars

Customer Relationship Management

Step 1 : Install the module. While installing the CRM module we will get Leads and Opportunities menu under the Sales tab. Now lts check what is that mean by Lead. For that do the following.

Step 2 : Click on Create button, whenever an inquiry comes we are taking it as a lead. Because we dont wheather it becomes a sale or not.So in the subject feild say what is the lead. Choose the customer, then all other fields come automatically. Choose the sales person.

Step 3 : you can give any internal note if any.

Step 4 : then click on Save. Summary can be created in the section log calls. After that again save .

Opportunity in same as lead but it is more likely to become a quotation.

Step 5: click on convert to opportunity. Fill all the details in the window.when we convert it to an opportunity then it will not present in the lead menu but will present in the opportunity section. Then click on create opportunity.

Step 6 : Meetings can be scheduled in the opportunity, call logs can also be set here. Then edit the opportunity, give the expected revenue, expected closing date , sales person etc... then save it.

Step 7 : After the confirmation from client, you can mark it as Won or Lost. That is nothing but whether it is converted into a quotation or not. Click on mark won

Step 8: Then it will comes under quotation. Then create a quotation by filling all the fields .the save it. Now its converted into a sale order.

Novasoft India
Cabinetmaking Model
0.0 stars

***LOGIN REQUIRED*** This competency-_based course prepares students for entry_ level positions in the cabinetmaking industry. Included in the course are cabinet design and styles, the use of advanced machines and equipment, computer_-aided manufacturing, special materials and commercial wood finishes and including green sustainable techniques and materials. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills by designing and building advanced wood projects. This course is for juniors and seniors only and may be taken for two years.

Can we "print" smart objects?
0.0 stars

According to technologist Dan Walker, the future is going to be printed. Well, not exactly, but many things that we today patch together or assemble, will actually come to us as complex printed objects. By loading the standard printers we use today with special inks that conduct electricity, we can print electronic circuits onto the objects, making it even easier to connect them to the Internet of Things.

This talk was presented at a TED Institute event given in partnership with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. Read more about the TED Institute.

Dan Walker
Careers Education and Guidance
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Successful transitions - whether from lower secondary to upper secondary; at age 16; into work-based training or university; or into work at any age - are life-enhancing for individuals and crucial to our future social and economic well-being. They are also an indicator of a good school. Careers education and guidance (CEG) is therefore at the heart of a school's personal development program and all teachers have a role in securing successful transitions for their students.

Career and Technical Education
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