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  • Life Science
Acoustics of Speech and Hearing, Fall 2004
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0.0 stars

Provides acoustical background necessary to understand the role of sound in speech communication. Analyzes constraints imposed by the properties of sound and human anatomy on speech production (sound production from airflow and filtering by the vocal tract); auditory physiology (transformation of acoustical waves in the air to mechanical vibrations of cochlear structures); and sound perception (spatial hearing, masking, and auditory frequency selectivity). The Acoustics of Speech and Hearing is an H-Level graduate course that reviews the physical processes involved in the production, propagation and reception of human speech. Particular attention is paid to how the acoustics and mechanics of the speech and auditory system define what sounds we are capable of producing and what sounds we can sense. Areas of discussion include: 1. the acoustic cues used in determining the direction of a sound source, 2. the acoustic and mechanical mechanisms involved in speech production and 3. the acoustic and mechanical mechanism used to transduce and analyze sounds in the ear

Life Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Braida, Louis
Date Added:
Actitis macularia: Information
0.0 stars

Actitis macularia: Information

Katherine Moore (author), University of Michigan
Kari Kirschbaum (author, editor), Animal Diversity Web Staff
Active Transport - Physiology
0.0 stars

Active transport is reliant on carrier proteins and thus follows the same rules as facilitated diffusion in that they are specific have a maximum rate and are subject to competition. Crucially they transport substances against their concentration gradient and so require energy to work.

Active and Passive Transport: Red Rover Send Particles Over
0.0 stars

Students compare and contrast passive and active transport by playing a game to model this phenomenon. Movement through cell membranes is also modeled, as well as the structure and movement typical of the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane. Concentration gradient, sizes, shapes and polarity of molecules determine the method of movement through cell membranes. This activity is associated with the Test your Mettle phase of the legacy cycle.

Melinda M. Higgins
VU Bioengineering RET Program,
Adaptations for Bird Flight – Inspiration for Aeronautical Engineering
0.0 stars

This activity first asks the students to study the patterns of bird flight and understand that four main forces affect the flight abilities of a bird. They will study the shape, feather structure, and resulting differences in the pattern of flight. They will then look at several articles that feature newly designed planes and the birds that they are modeled after. The final component of this activity is to watch the Nature documentary, "Raptor Force" which chronicles the flight patterns of birds, how researchers study these animals, and what interests our military and aeronautical engineers about these natural adaptations. This activity serves as an extension to the biomimetics lesson. Although students will not be using this information in the design process for their desert resort, it provides interesting information pertaining to the current use of biomimetics in the field of aviation. Students may extend their design process by using this information to create a means of transportation to and from the resort if they chose to.

VU Bioengineering RET Program,
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لا يقتصر الانتباه فقط على ما نركز فيه — بل أيضاً حول ما تعمل أدمغتنا على تصفيته. عن طريق دراسة أنماط الدماغ عندما يحاول الناس التركيز، يأمل عالم الأعصاب الحسابية مهدي أورديكاني-سييدلار في الجمع بين الدماغ والحاسوب، لبناء نماذج يمكن استخدامها لمعالجة اضطراب قصور الانتباه وفرط الحركة ولمساعدت أولئك الذين فقدوا القدرة على التواصل. تعرف على المزيد عن هذا العلم المثير في هذه المحادثة القصيرة والرائعة.

Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar
Adrenal Glands - Anatomy & Physiology
0.0 stars

The adrenal glands are paired bodies lying cranial to the kidneys within the retroperitoneal space. The glands consist of two layers; the cortex and medulla.