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  • Arts and Humanities
10 Early Signs of Autism
0.0 stars

How do you know if your child has autism? Hopefully this video will shed some light on that discussion. Also, please read the disclaimer at the end of the video for more context

Autism Family
10 TED Talks you won't be body language  about
0.0 stars

Once you watch these talks, you may not be able to get them out of your head. These talks have staying power and, as you go about everyday life, we bet you'll find yourself thinking of them often.

10 أعراض للتوحّد
0.0 stars

يشرح الفيديو التعليمي أهم أعراض التوحد وهو احد اكثر الاضطرابات النمائية انتشارا ويوضح ذلك بالامثلة. مفيد لطالبات بكالوريوس التربية الخاصة

Orange Jordan
10طرق لمحادثة أفضل
0.0 stars

عندما تتوقف وظيفتك على كيفية كلامك مع الناس ،عندها تتعلم الكثير عن كيفية إجراء المحادثات ،وأن الكثير منا لا يتقن فن المحادثة ، "سيليست هيديلي " عملت كمضيفة في ردايو لعدة عقود وهي تعلم تماماً عناصر المحادثة الجيدة ،وهي الصدق ،والشجاعة ،والوضوح ،وكمية الاستماع الصحية.في هذا الحديث الممتع قدمت لنا 10 قواعد لمحادثة أفضل .. حيث قالت :"انطلق ،تكلم مع الناس واستمع لهم والأهم من ذلك كن مستعداً لأن تكون مندهشا " .

سيليست هيديلي:
10 من أفضل أدوات التواصل الاجتماعي التعليمي
0.0 stars

مقال يستعرض افضل عشر مواقع لأدوات التواصل الاجتماعي التعليمي التي تتوافق كليا مع متطلبات الأمان و التربية السليمة ، وتساعد في تفعيل العملية التعليمية.

الحسين اوباري
12 truths I learned from life and writing
0.0 stars

A few days before she turned 61, writer Anne Lamott decided to write down everything she knew for sure. She dives into the nuances of being a human who lives in a confusing, beautiful, emotional world, offering her characteristic life-affirming wisdom and humor on family, writing, the meaning of God, death and more.

Anne Lamott
1 تخصيص نمط المقرر الدراسي
0.0 stars

تخصيص نمط المقرر الدراسي من خلال بوابة التعلم الإلكتروني لجامعة الأمير سطام بن عبدالعزيز- PSAU (جامعة سلمان بن عبدالعزيز سابقاً- SAU)...

YouTube: SAU eLearning Tube
22 طريقة لتدريس مادة الفقه
0.0 stars

يتلخص أن الفقه الإسلامي يُعنى بالجوانب العملية التطبيقية، والممارسة الواقعية للأحكام، والتوجيهات الدينية

3 lessons on success from an Arab businesswoman
0.0 stars

Professional Arab women juggle more responsibilities than their male counterparts, and they face more cultural rigidity than Western women. What can their success teach us about tenacity, competition, priorities and progress? Tracing her career as an engineer, advocate and mother in Abu Dhabi, Leila Hoteit shares three lessons for thriving in the modern world.

3 tips to boost your confidence
0.0 stars

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/3-tips-to-b...

Made in partnership with the Always #LikeAGirl campaign.

When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner, you’ve probably heard the advice, “Be more confident!” But where does confidence come from, and how can you get more of it? Here are three easy tips to boost your confidence.

Lesson by TED-Ed, animation by Kozmonot Animation Studio.

3 ways the brain creates meaning
0.0 stars

Information designer Tom Wujec talks through three areas of the brain that help us understand words, images, feelings, connections. In this short talk from TEDU, he asks: How can we best engage our brains to help us better understand big ideas?

Tom Wujec
3 ways to fix a broken news industry
0.0 stars

Something is very wrong with the news industry. Trust in the media has hit an all-time low; we're inundated with sensationalist stories, and consistent, high-quality reporting is scarce, says journalist Lara Setrakian. She shares three ways we can fix the news to better inform all of us about the complex issues of our time.

 3 ways to plan for the (very) long term
0.0 stars

We increasingly make decisions based on short-term goals and gains — an approach that makes the future more uncertain and less safe. How can we learn to think about and plan for a better future in the long term ... like, grandchildren-scale long term? Ari Wallach shares three tactics for thinking beyond the immediate.

3 ways to spot a bad statistic
0.0 stars

Sometimes it's hard to know what statistics are worthy of trust. But we shouldn't count out stats altogether ... instead, we should learn to look behind them. In this delightful, hilarious talk, data journalist Mona Chalabi shares handy tips to help question, interpret and truly understand what the numbers are saying.

3 السماح باشتراكات البريد الإلكتروني
0.0 stars

السماح باشتراكات البريد الإلكتروني من خلال البلاكبورد بجامعة الأمير سطام بن عبدالعزيز- PSAU (جامعة سلمان بن عبدالعزيز سابقاً- SAU).

YouTube: SAU eLearning Tube