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  • Education
The 100,000-student classroom
0.0 stars

In the fall of 2011 Peter Norvig taught a class with Sebastian Thrun on artificial intelligence at Stanford attended by 175 students in situ -- and over 100,000 via an interactive webcast. He shares what he learned about teaching to a global classroom.

100 Free Web Tools for Elementary Teachers
0.0 stars

This article includes the URL and description of 100 free web tools that can be used by all teachers. The tools are categorized into search engines, math and science, games, templates and lesson plans, and more.

John Costilla
100 Temperatures You Should Know
0.0 stars

Here at Andrews Air Conditioning, we know a thing or two about optimum temperatures. Whether it is an agricultural, retail, office or other type of environment, we will provide the ideal temperature to suit the setting. Our ’Ultimate Thermometer’ summarises 100 temperatures you should know. From South America’s coldest temperature to the smoking point of virgin olive oil. Learn some remarkable facts from 5500bn°C through to -273.15°C!

Andrews Sykes
100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings
0.0 stars

Ex-Googler Sarah Cooper comes back to the NYC office to discuss her latest book 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings. "Sly satire that will bring endless joy to anyone who has ever endured the drudgery of corporate life."―Dan Lyons, writer for HBO's Silicon Valley and New York Times-bestselling author of Disrupted Funny because it's true. From the creator of the viral sensation "10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings" (5+ million views and hundreds of thousands of shares) comes the must-have book you never knew you needed, 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings. In it, you will learn how to appear smart in less than half the time it takes to actually learn anything.

Sarah Cooper
101 استراتيجية في التعلم النشط
0.0 stars

كتاب مفيد جدا لكل معلم ومعلمة ومدرب ومدربة, يقدم الاستراتيجية مع شرحها وكيفية تطبيقها في الدرس.

ماشي بن محمد الشمري
0.0 stars

تجارب علمية بسيطة عن المغناطيس و يوضح السبب في جعل مادة ما تتحول من مادة عديمة التأثر بالجذب المغناطيسي الى مادة فعالة وقابلة للتأثر

Mr. Hacker
10 Amazing Experiments with Water
0.0 stars

his video features 10 experiments with water as one of the ingredients.

1. Color Chromatography
2. Walking Water
3. Atmospheric Pressure
4. Layered Liquids
5. Optical Inversion
6. Polarity of Water
7. Ideal Gas Law
8. Electrolysis
9. Diffusion
10. Elephant Toothpaste


Antarctica by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/

Believer by Silent Partner
YouTube Audio Library

Drew the Science Dude
10 Business English phrasal verbs
0.0 stars

If you work in an English-speaking environment, you might hear these common phrasal verbs used in business situations!

draw up
get ahead
burn out
not measure up
zero in on
lay off
pencil in
close down
run by/past
sign off on

Espresso English
10 Early Signs of Autism
0.0 stars

How do you know if your child has autism? Hopefully this video will shed some light on that discussion. Also, please read the disclaimer at the end of the video for more context

Autism Family
10 English words you pronounce wrong
0.0 stars

its a video presented some English words that might be pronounce it incorrectly when we learn English language

10 Minute Photoshop Crash Course
0.0 stars

A comprehensive look at everything there is to learn in Photoshop. Or at least as much as can be covered in 10 minutes. If you've never used Photoshop before, this is the place to start with guidance to what free resource to move on to next.

Jeremy Shuback
10 Most Used Formulas MS Excel
0.0 stars

Some formulas of Excel are so useful that almost every excel user should know them, Guruji makes a list of 10 most used Excel formulas for you. Watch the vid...

My E-Lesson