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  • Arts and Humanities
3 طرق للتخطيط على المدى البعيد (جدًا)
0.0 stars

إننا نتخذ القرارات بشكل مستمر استنادا على الأهداف والمكاسب قريبة المدى — إنها مقاربة تجعل المستقبل أكثر التباسًا وأقل أمنًا. كيف يمكن لنا أن نتعلم التفكير والتخطيط لمستقبل أفضل على المدى البعيد ... على مدى الأحفاد مثلاً؟ يشاركنا (أري والاش) ثلاث خطط للتفكير فيما وراء الحاضر.

Ari Wallach
4 reasons to learn a new language
0.0 stars

English is fast becoming the world's universal language, and instant translation technology is improving every year. So why bother learning a foreign language? Linguist and Columbia professor John McWhorter shares four alluring benefits of learning an unfamiliar tongue.

John McWhorter
5Succsessful ESL Speaking Activites5
0.0 stars

oscar Garcia and Brynn Nightenhelser demonstrate 5 Successful ESL speaking activities from Dr.Folse's book, The Art of Teaching Speaking.

Brynn Nightenhelser
5 tips to improve your critical thinking
0.0 stars

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/5-tips-to-i...

Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us, and it’s impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances — and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking. Samantha Agoos describes a 5-step process that may help you with any number of problems.

Lesson by Samantha Agoos, animation by Nick Hilditch.

Samantha Agoos
7 TED Talks on how language changes over time
0.0 stars

Language isn’t set in stone. It changes all the time -- and in turn, our language changes us. These talks explore how new words come to be.

Erin McKean
7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone
0.0 stars

We mustn’t speak to strangers.” Malavika Varadan, challenges this societal norm, by presenting 7 ways to make conversation with anyone.

Malavika Varadan
7 خطوات للحفاظ على الموظفين الرائعين
0.0 stars

خطوات للحفاظ على الموظفين الرائعين
يؤثر كبار الموظفين وأفضلهم على نجاح الأعمال على المدى الطويل، بما في ذلك رضا العملاء وفريق العمل.

ويعد الفشل في الاحتفاظ بهؤلاء الموظفين أمرا مكلفا نتيجة لفقدان خبرتهم ومنح الموظفين الآخرين شعورا بعدم الأمان، بالإضافة إلى الحاجة للبحث عن بدلاء جدد.

الثلاثاء 21 ربيع الثاني 1439 - 09 يناير 2018
صحيفة مكة المكرمة
7 من أهم مزايا التعليم الالكتروني
0.0 stars

يستعرض المقال أهم 7 من أهم مزايا التعليم الالكتروني التي جعلت منه ظاهرة متسارعة الانتشار حتى في العالم العربي .

نجيب زوحى
The $80 prosthetic knee that's changing lives
0.0 stars

We've made incredible advances in technology in recent years, but too often it seems only certain fortunate people can benefit. Engineer Krista Donaldson introduces the ReMotion knee, a prosthetic device for above-knee amputees, many of whom earn less than $4 a day. The design contains best-in-class technology and yet is far cheaper than other prosthetics on the market.

Krista Donaldson
9 TED Talks on bridging cultural differences
0.0 stars

It’s all about understanding. These talks explore perspective -- looking past the stereotype and learning who people are, what they do and why they do it to build new cultural understandings.

9 ways to practice self-care
0.0 stars

Too busy to take care of yourself? These talks offer simple ways to stay healthy -- both emotionally and physically.

Guy Winch
0.0 stars

Acceso is a complete, interactive curriculum for intermediate-level learners of Spanish. The materials on the site are provided freely to the public and are intended as a replacement for commercial textbooks, which are generally ill-suited to the learning outcomes now considered crucial to successful language study. These materials are supplemented by an online workbook built on the MySpanishLab platform of Pearson Education, Inc., as well as detailed lesson plans, rubrics for the evaluation of student work, and reliable instruments for measuring student progress and learning outcomes.Winner of 2012 Computer Assisted Language Consortium (CALICO) Focus AwardReviewed in:CALICO Journal 29.2 (Jan 2012): 398-405.Hispania 95.2 (June 2012): 365-366

Amy Rossomondo et al.
Add to list Like Download Rate مهدي أورديكاني-سييدلار:
0.0 stars

لا يقتصر الانتباه فقط على ما نركز فيه — بل أيضاً حول ما تعمل أدمغتنا على تصفيته. عن طريق دراسة أنماط الدماغ عندما يحاول الناس التركيز، يأمل عالم الأعصاب الحسابية مهدي أورديكاني-سييدلار في الجمع بين الدماغ والحاسوب، لبناء نماذج يمكن استخدامها لمعالجة اضطراب قصور الانتباه وفرط الحركة ولمساعدت أولئك الذين فقدوا القدرة على التواصل. تعرف على المزيد عن هذا العلم المثير في هذه المحادثة القصيرة والرائعة.

Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
0.0 stars

This course will present advanced topics in Artificial Intelligence (AI), including inquiries into logic, artificial neural network and machine learning, and the Turing machine. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: define the term 'intelligent agent,' list major problems in AI, and identify the major approaches to AI; translate problems into graphs and encode the procedures that search the solutions with the graph data structures; explain the differences between various types of logic and basic statistical tools used in AI; list the different types of learning algorithms and explain why they are different; list the most common methods of statistical learning and classification and explain the basic differences between them; describe the components of Turing machine; name the most important propositions in the philosophy of AI; list the major issues pertaining to the creation of machine consciousness; design a reasonable software agent with java code. (Computer Science 408)