This task was developed by high school and postsecondary mathematics and agriculture sciences educators, and validated by content experts in the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and the National Career Clusters Knowledge & Skills Statements. It was developed with the purpose of demonstrating how the Common Core and CTE Knowledge & Skills Statements can be integrated into classroom learning - and to provide classroom teachers with a truly authentic task for either mathematics or CTE courses.
664 Results
This task was developed by high school and postsecondary mathematics and agriculture sciences educators, and validated by content experts in the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and the National Career Clusters Knowledge & Skills Statements. It was developed with the purpose of demonstrating how the Common Core and CTE Knowledge & Skills Statements can be integrated into classroom learning - and to provide classroom teachers with a truly authentic task for either mathematics or CTE courses.
This task was developed by high school and postsecondary mathematics and health sciences educators, and validated by content experts in the Common Core State Standards in mathematics and the National Career Clusters Knowledge & Skills Statements. It was developed with the purpose of demonstrating how the Common Core and CTE Knowledge & Skills Statements can be integrated into classroom learning - and to provide classroom teachers with a truly authentic task for either mathematics or CTE courses.
Career Gates: Soft Skills highlights the skills employees need to be successful. These include communication, eye-contact, listening, teamwork, positive attitude, proper handshake, professional appearance and respect. Soft skills are the abilities to get along with others, resolve conflict and work together towards a common goal. These skills can be a strong indicator in why you get a job or why you don't get a job. A desire to learn and an ability to learn, you can advance. Many companies will hire people that have soft skills over someone with more technical skills because technical skills can be taught more easily.
- Subject:
- Business and Communication
- Material Type:
- Lecture
- Date Added:
- 03/19/2008
Discover the career that is right for you and then learn how to research, plan and pursue it.
In this case study, students analyze a scientific study, first by analyzing news articles reporting on the research and then by reading the original research article. In working through the case, students identify the basic elements of a scientific study; evaluate the study and offer suggestions for improvement; analyze the appropriateness of the headlines of news articles in relation to their content; and compare the accuracy of information offered to the public in a news article with the information presented in a scientific paper. Designed for an introductory course in biological sciences for non-majors, the case could be used in any course that includes the study of the scientific method as well as in a scientific journalism course.
- Author:
- Wilma V. Colon Parrilla
A challenge to make sure the understanding of dealing with colors in CSS
- Author:
- pamela
Human resources consultancies have become invaluable to businesses looking for improvements and efficiencies in their operations. This unit explores the issues surrounding how you might go about selecting and using a consultant, examining the risks involved in the venture, fitting the consultant to the task, setting fees and evaluating work. If you are in business and looking to hire a consultant, are a consultant yourself or are studying business at masters level this unit will be useful to you.
- Subject:
- Business and Communication
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Reading
- Syllabus
- Date Added:
- 09/11/2007
What is Cloud Computing, how it works, what are its delivery models and some applications
- Author:
- Ecourse Review
The video highlights the technology developments which enable IoT and IBM's momentum about IoT
- Author:
- IBM Watson Internet of Things
Introduces students to the basic tools in using data to make informed management decisions. Covers introductory probability, decision analysis, basic statistics, regression, simulation, and linear and nonlinear optimization. Computer spreadsheet exercises and examples drawn from marketing, finance, operations management, and other management functions. Restricted to Sloan Fellows.
- Subject:
- Business and Communication
- Finance
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Statistics and Probability
- Material Type:
- Full Course
- Textbook
- Author:
- Carroll, John S.
- Date Added:
- 01/01/2003
This course aims to develop negotiation skills by active participation in a variety of negotiation settings, and a series of integrative bargaining cases between two and more than two parties over multiple issues. Ethical dilemmas in negotiation are discussed at various times throughout the course.
- Subject:
- Business and Communication
- Management
- Material Type:
- Full Course
- Homework/Assignment
- Lecture Notes
- Syllabus
- Author:
- Kaufman, Gordon
- Date Added:
- 01/01/2011
شرح لطريقة تصميم (المترجمات) الآلية لبرمجيات اللغة العربية - الجزء الأول من الدرس مبادرة زاد من الطالب إلى الطالب تهدف إلى إثراء مصادر التعليم الإلكتروني العربية، بنشر المعارف الأكاديمية باللغة العربية في جميع المجالات وخاصة مجال علوم الحاسب والمعلومات، وذلك عن طريق استقبال الفيديوهات التعليمية من المتطوعين وتنقيحها ورفعها على القناة، بالإضافة إلى إقامة ورش ومسابقات لتحفيز المتطوعين على الاستمرار.
- Author:
- مي التركي
- امجاد المطيري
شرح لطريقة تصميم (المترجمات) الخاصة بالبرمجيات العربية - الجزء الثاني مبادرة زاد من الطالب إلى الطالب تهدف إلى إثراء مصادر التعليم الإلكتروني العربية، بنشر المعارف الأكاديمية باللغة العربية في جميع المجالات وخاصة مجال علوم الحاسب والمعلومات، وذلك عن طريق استقبال الفيديوهات التعليمية من المتطوعين وتنقيحها ورفعها على القناة، بالإضافة إلى إقامة ورش ومسابقات لتحفيز المتطوعين على الاستمرار.
- Author:
- مي التركي
- امجاد المطيري
شرح لآلية تصنيف ومعايير المؤتمرات العلمية في مجال علوم الحاسب والمعلومات وكيفية ايجاد المؤتمر المناسب باستخدام هذه المعايير.
مبادرة زاد من الطالب إلى الطالب تهدف إلى إثراء مصادر التعليم الإلكتروني العربية، بنشر المعارف الأكاديمية باللغة العربية في جميع المجالات وخاصة مجال علوم الحاسب والمعلومات، وذلك عن طريق استقبال الفيديوهات التعليمية من المتطوعين وتنقيحها ورفعها على القناة، بالإضافة إلى إقامة ورش ومسابقات لتحفيز المتطوعين على الاستمرار.
- Author:
- رغد الربع
- ريما الدويس
Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest. Services or people that implement content curation are called curators. Curation services can be used by businesses as well as end users.
- Author:
- wikipedia
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.
- Author:
- Penny Weller
The introduction of Business Communication for Success, the textbook used throughout this course, notes that Ň[E]ffective communication takes preparation, practice, and persistence. There are many ways to learn communication skills; the school of experience, or Ôhard knocks,Ő is one of them. But in the business environment, a ÔknockŐ (or lesson learned) may come at the expense of your credibility through a blown presentation to a client.Ó Effective communication skills are a prerequisite for succeeding in business. Communication tools and activities connect people within and beyond the organization in order to establish the businessŐs place in the corporate community and the social community, and as a result, that communication needs to be consistent, effective, and customized for the business to prosper. Business Communication for Success provides theories and practical information that represent the heart of this course, while additional resources are included to expand or pose alternatives to the approaches chosen in the textbook. You will receive maximum benefits from this course if you complete the readings first and then use the additional resources to fill in the blanks and/or reconsider the topics in the textbook.
HMP 607 is the third in a three-course sequence intended to impart to generalist administrators the knowledge of finance and accounting necessary to manage health care organizations. The first course, HMP 608, covers financial accounting. The second course, HMP 606, focuses on managerial accounting topics. This third course concentrates on corporate finance topics. It aims to impart an understanding of how finance theory and practice can inform the decision-making of the health care firm. As such, HMP 607 is most appropriately considered a corporate finance course, as opposed to a course in financial markets. In addition, it will integrate corporate finance and accounting theories, institutional knowledge of health care finance, and applications to specific problems.
- Author:
- جامعة ميتشيجان
As an expert on cutting-edge digital displays, Mary Lou Jepsen studies how to show our most creative ideas on screens. And as a brain surgery patient herself, she is driven to know more about the neural activity that underlies invention, creativity, thought. She meshes these two passions in a rather mind-blowing talk on two cutting-edge brain studies that might point to a new frontier in understanding how (and what) we think.
- Author:
- Mary Lou Jepsen