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  • Engineering
The Balancing Act
0.0 stars

Students visualize and interact with concepts already learned, specifically algebraic equations and solving for unknown variables. They construct a balancing seesaw system (LEGO® Balance Scale) made from LEGO MINDSTORMS® parts and digital components to mimic a balancing scale. They are given example algebraic equation problems to analyze, configure onto the balance scale, and evaluate by manipulating LEGO pieces and gram masses that represent terms of an equation such as unknown variables, coefficients and integers. Digital light sensors, built into the LEGO Balance Scale, detect any balance or imbalances displayed on the balancing scale. The LEGO Balance Scale interactively issues a digital indication of balance or imbalance within the system. If unbalanced, students continue using the LEGO Balance Scale until they are confident in their understanding of solving algebraic equations. The goal is for students to become confident in solving algebraic equations by fundamentally understanding the basics of algebra and real-world algebraic applications.

AMPS GK-12 Program,
Gisselle Cunningham, Russell Holstein, Linderick Outerbridge, Jared Soto, Timothy Li
Ball Bounce Experiment
0.0 stars

Students investigate different balls' abilities to bounce and represent the data they collect graphically.

Center for Engineering Educational Outreach,
Center for Engineering Educational Outreach, Tufts University
Tufts University
0.0 stars

Students follow the steps of the engineering design process as they design and construct balloons for aerial surveillance. After their first attempts to create balloons, they are given the associated Estimating Buoyancy lesson to learn about volume, buoyancy and density to help them iterate more successful balloon designs.Applying their newfound knowledge, the young engineers build and test balloons that fly carrying small flip cameras that capture aerial images of their school. Students use the aerial footage to draw maps and estimate areas.

Mike Soltys
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Marissa H. Forbes
Balsa Glider Competition
0.0 stars

The purpose of this activity is to bring together the students' knowledge of engineering and airplanes and the creation of a glider model to determine how each modification affects the flight. The students will use a design procedure whereby one variable is changed and all the others are kept constant.

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Geoffrey Hill
Tom Rutkowski
Alex Conner
Balsa Towers
0.0 stars

Students groups use balsa wood and glue to build their own towers using some of the techniques they learned from the associated lesson. While general guidelines are provided, give students freedom with their designs and encourage them to implement what they have learned about structural engineering. The winning team design is the tower with the highest strength-to-weight ratio.

Kelly Devereaux, Benjamin Burnham
Techtronics Program,
Basically Acidic Ink
0.0 stars

Students hypothesize whether vinegar and ammonia-based glass cleaner are acids or bases. They create designs on index cards using these substances as invisible inks. After the index cards have dried, they apply red cabbage juice as an indicator to reveal the designs.

Nicole Stewart
National Science Foundation GK-12 and Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Programs,
Corey Burton
Christine Hawthorne
Rachel Howser
Basically Acids
0.0 stars

Students learn the basics of acid/base chemistry in a fun, interactive way by studying instances of acid/base chemistry found in popular films such as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and National Treasure. Students learn what acids, bases and indicators are and how they can be used, including invisible ink. They also learn how engineers use acids and bases every day to better our quality of life. Students' interest is piqued by the use of popular culture in the classroom.

Rachel Howser
Christine Hawthorne
University of Houston,
Basics of Fluid Mechanics
0.0 stars

This book, Basics of Fluid Mechanics, describes the fundamentals of fluid mechanics phenomena for engineers and others. This book is designed to replace all introductory textbook(s) or instructor’s notes for the fluid mechanics in undergraduate classes for engineering/science students but also for technical peoples. It is hoped that the book could be used as a reference book for people who have at least some basics knowledge of science areas such as calculus, physics, etc.

Genick Bar-Meir
Battle of the Beams
0.0 stars

Students explore the properties of composites using inexpensive materials and processing techniques. They create beams using Laffy Taffy and water, and a choice of various reinforcements (pasta, rice, candies) and fabricating temperatures. Student groups compete for the highest strength beam. They measure flexure strength with three-point bend tests and calculations. Results are compared and discussed to learn how different materials and reinforcement shapes affect material properties and performance.

Marc Bird
National Science Foundation GK-12 and Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Programs,
Battling for Oxygen
0.0 stars

Using gumdrops and toothpicks, students conduct a large-group, interactive ozone depletion model. Students explore the dynamic and competing upper atmospheric roles of the protective ozone layer, the sun's UV radiation and harmful human-made CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons).

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Natalie Mach
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Tom Rutkowski
Amy Kolenbrander
Denise Carlson
Tyman Stephens
The Beat Goes On
0.0 stars

In this activity, students learn about their heart rate and different ways it can be measured. Students construct a simple measurement device using clay and a toothpick, and then use this device to measure their heart rate under different circumstances (i.e., sitting, standing and jumping). Students make predictions and record data on a worksheet.

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Sara Born
Jessica Todd
Denali Lander
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program and Laboratory,
Beating the Motion Sensor
0.0 stars

Lighting is responsible for nearly one-third of the electricity use in buildings. One of the best ways to conserve energy is to make sure the lights are turned off when no one is in a room. This process can be automated using motion sensors. In this activity, students explore material properties as they relate to motion detection, and use that knowledge to make design judgments about what types of motion detectors to use in specific applications.

Janet Yowell
Darcie Chinnis
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Bed, Bank and Shoreline Protection
0.0 stars

Design of shoreline protection along rivers, canals and the sea; load on bed and shoreline by currents, wind waves and ship motion; stability of elements under current and wave conditions; stability of shore protection elements; design methods, construction methods. Flow: recapitulation of basics from fluid mechanics (flow, turbulence), stability of individual grains (sand, but also rock) in different type of flow conditions (weirs, jets), scour and erosion. Porous Media: basic equation, pressures and velocities on the stability on the boundary layer; groundwater flow with impermeable and semi-impermeable structures; granular filters and geotextiles. Waves: recapitulation of the basics of waves, focus on wave forces on the land-water boundary, specific aspects of ship induced waves, stability of elements under wave action (loose rock, placed blocks, impermeable layers) Design: overview of the various types of protections, construction and maintenance; design requirements, deterministic and probabilistic design; case studies, examples Materials and environment: overview of materials to be used, interaction with the aquatic environment, role of the land-water boundary as part of the ecosystem; environmentally sound shoreline design.

Ir. H.J. Verhagen
Bees: The Invaluable Master Pollinators
0.0 stars

The study of biomimicry and sustainable design promises great benefits in design applications, offering cost-effective, resourceful, non-polluting avenues for new enterprise. An important final caveat for students to understand is that once copied, species are not expendable. Biomimicry is intended to help people by identifying natural functions from which to pattern human-driven services. Biomimicry was never intended to replace species. Ecosystems remain in critical need of ongoing protection and biodiversity must be preserved for the overall health of the planet. This activity addresses the negative ramifications of species decline. For example, pollinators such as bees are a vital work force in agriculture. They perform an irreplaceable task in ensuring the harvest of most fruit and vegetable crops. In the face of the unexplained colony collapse disorder, we are only now beginning to understand how invaluable these insects are in keeping food costs down and even making the existence of these foods possible for humans.

VU Bioengineering RET Program,
Wendy J. Holmgren
Amber Spolarich
Megan Johnston
Bend That Bar
0.0 stars

Students learn about material properties, and that engineers must consider many different materials properties when designing. This activity focuses on strength-to-weight ratios and how sometimes the strongest material is not always the best material.

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Geoffrey Hill
Tom Rutkowski
Alex Conner
The Benefits of Biodiversity
0.0 stars

Students toss coins to determine what traits a set of mouse parents possess, such as fur color, body size, heat tolerance, and running speed. Then they use coin tossing to determine the traits a mouse pup born to these parents possesses. Then they compare these physical features to features that would be most adaptive in several different environmental conditions. Finally, students consider what would happen to the mouse offspring if those environmental conditions were to change: which mice would be most likely to survive and produce the next generation?

Engineering K-PhD Program,
Mary R. Hebrank (project and lesson/activity consultant)
Bernoulli's Principle
0.0 stars

Bernoulli's principle relates the pressure of a fluid to its elevation and its speed. Bernoulli's equation can be used to approximate these parameters in water, air or any fluid that has very low viscosity. Students learn about the relationships between the components of the Bernoulli equation through real-life engineering examples and practice problems.

James Prager
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program and Laboratory,
Karen King
Denise W. Carlson
Better By Design
0.0 stars

Students use the scientific method to determine the effect of control surfaces on a paper glider. They construct paper airplanes (model gliders) and test their performance to determine the base characteristics of the planes. Then they change one of the control surfaces and compare the results to their base glider in order to determine the cause and effect relationship of the control surfaces.

Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Geoffrey Hill
Tom Rutkowski
Alex Conner
Beyond the Milky Way
0.0 stars

When we look at the night sky, we see stars and the nearby planets of our own solar system. Many of those stars are actually distant galaxies and glowing clouds of dust and gases called nebulae. The universe is an immense space with distances measured in light years. The more we learn about the universe beyond our solar system, the more we realize we do not know. Students are introduced to the basic known facts about the universe, and how engineers help us explore the many mysteries of space.

Jane Evenson
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Denise W. Carlson
Jessica Butterfield
Jessica Todd
Sam Semakula
The Big Mo
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Momentum is not only a physical principle; it is a psychological phenomenon. Students learn how the "Big Mo" of the bandwagon effect contributes to the development of fads and manias, and how modern technology and mass media accelerate and intensify the effect. Students develop media literacy and critical thinking skills to analyze trends and determine the extent to which their decisions may be influenced by those who manipulate a few opinion leaders. Note: The literacy activities for the Mechanics unit are based on physical themes that have broad application to our experience in the world concepts of rhythm, balance, spin, gravity, levity, inertia, momentum, friction, stress and tension.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Denise Carlson
Jane Evenson
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
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