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  • Sociology
Case of Maria: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Therapeutic Relationship
0.0 stars

This case illustrates concepts of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment within the context of a counseling relationship. Its primary purpose is to teach students about the dynamics of the therapeutic relationship, specifically that the relationship is one based on power. The case also covers depression, the diagnosis of psychological disorders, cross cultural issues in counseling, and treatment planning. It could be used in either an introductory psychology course or at a more advanced level such as in an upper-level abnormal psychology course.

Janet Morahan-Martin
Stephanie L. Brooke
Cooling Off a Warming Planet: Analyzing the Tradeoffs in Policies for Climate Change
0.0 stars

This role-playing case on climate change policy is designed to engage student groups in parallel discussions on policy instruments and packages for controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, student groups discuss cap-and-trade and carbon tax policies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Each group has four students representing one of the following characters: climate scientist, economist, political sociologist, and the staff expert on science related policy. Students study the policies from a holistic perspective and explore related social, economic and environmental issues. In the end, each group drafts a statement for the senator that includes choices and recommendations based on these different views. This case is appropriate for introductory environmental studies and environmental economics courses once students have been introduced to the basic technical and scientific information on climate change.

Jordan F. Suter
John Petersen
Md Rumi Shammin
Flu Math Games
0.0 stars

This video lesson shows students that math can play a role in understanding how an infectious disease spreads and how it can be controlled. During this lesson, students will see and use both deterministic and probabilistic models and will learn by doing through role-playing exercises. The primary exercises between video segments of this lesson are class-intensive simulation games in which members of the class 'infect' each other under alternative math modeling assumptions about disease progression. Also there is an occasional class discussion and local discussion with nearby classmates.

Richard C. Larson
Mai Perches
Sahar Hashmi
The Great Parking Debate: A Research Methods Case Study
0.0 stars

Two friends debate whether people leave their parking spaces faster if others are waiting. They decide to see if they can design a study to test their ideas. In this interrupted case study, students develop a research question and hypothesis and consider how to test a hypothesis. Students read about what researchers have done to answer the research question and identify and evaluate different research designs. Students are also asked to evaluate data. Developed for a use in an introductory psychology course to cover terms and concepts related to research methods, the case could be used in other introductory science classes, early in research methods courses, or in upper-level social science courses.

Jennifer Feenstra
The Irresistible Costs of Impressing Others: Managing Impressions and Regulating Behavior
0.0 stars

Recent research indicates that people who boast to friends and those who are modest to strangers are less able to regulate their behaviors on other tasks. This case study presents a scenario in which four college roommates use different strategies to manage the impressions they make at a party. When they are later presented with a tray of tempting cookies, students are asked to predict how many each will eat and to justify their answers using the research results. Designed for use in a social psychology course, the case is also appropriate for introductory, health, and motivation psychology courses.

Jamie G. McMinn
Michael's Story: A Case Study in Autism
0.0 stars

This interdisciplinary case study is designed to interest general biology students as well as students of psychology and health studies. The study introduces us to the Greens, a family with a recently diagnosed autistic child. Students engage in a variety of activities to learn about the possible causative explanation for autism, its diagnosis, and treatment. A final activity is an optional writing exercise exploring the idea that there is intrinsic value in all persons' experiences, including those who are "different."

Kristen N. Hausmann
Karen M. Aguirre
Social Theory and the City, Fall 2005
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course explores how social theories of urban life can be related to the city's architecture and spaces. It is grounded in classic or foundational writings about the city addressing such topics as the public realm and public space, impersonality, crowds and density, surveillance and civility, imprinting time on space, spatial justice, and the segregation of difference. The aim of the course is to generate new ideas about the city by connecting the social and the physical, using Boston as a visual laboratory. Students are required to present a term paper mediating what is read with what has been observed.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Sennett, Richard
Date Added:
Uretero What?  A Systems-Level View of a Pregnancy with Medical Complications
0.0 stars

This case study follows a woman faced with a series of difficult medical decisions. Students apply systems-level physiology as they explore a pregnancy with medical complications and discuss situations involving life-changing decisions prompted by modern medical technologies. This case could be used in an advanced biology course at the high school level, or in undergraduate courses in general biology, human anatomy and physiology, human health, human sexuality, medical ethics, sociology, or women’s studies. The case study also would be applicable to first-year medical students in a course in medical physiology as well as students in nurse practitioner, midwifery, or physician's assistant programs.

Youssef Kousa
Laura Y. Lorentzen