This course considers the interaction between law, policy, and technology as they …
This course considers the interaction between law, policy, and technology as they relate to the evolving controversies over control of the Internet. In addition, there will be an in-depth treatment of privacy and the notion of "transparency" -- regulations and technologies that govern the use of information, as well as access to information. Topics explored will include: Legal Background for Regulation of the Internet Fourth Amendment Law and Electronic Surveillance Profiling, Data Mining, and the U.S. PATRIOT Act Technologies for Anonymity and Transparency, The Policy-Aware Web
Unified theory of information with applications to computing, communications, thermodynamics, and other …
Unified theory of information with applications to computing, communications, thermodynamics, and other sciences. Digital signals and streams, codes, compression, noise, and probability. Reversible and irreversible operations. Information in biological systems. Channel capacity. Maximum-entropy formalism. Thermodynamic equilibrium, temperature. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Quantum computation.
Media Studies 101 is the open educational resource for media studies studies …
Media Studies 101 is the open educational resource for media studies studies in New Zealand, Australia, and Pacifica. We have constructed this text so it can be read in a number of ways. You may wish to follow the structured order of 'chapters' like you would in a traditional printed textbook. Each section builds on and refers back to previous sections to build up your knowledge and skills. Alternatively, you may want to go straight to the section you are interested in -- links will help guide you back to definitions and key ideas if you need to refresh your knowledge or understand a new concept.
Public health workers need to understand and implement basic concepts of personal …
Public health workers need to understand and implement basic concepts of personal preparedness planning so that they can function effectively as public health emergency responders in a post-9/11 world. These basic preparedness strategies can be applied to meet a broad range of public health emergency response challenges, including - but not limited to - acts of terrorism. Personal Preparedness Planning provides a practical introduction to these concepts that is tailored to the needs of public health responders and their families.
Detection and measurement of radio and optical signals encountered in communications, astronomy, …
Detection and measurement of radio and optical signals encountered in communications, astronomy, remote sensing, instrumentation, and radar. Statistical analysis of signal processing systems, including radiometers, spectrometers, interferometers, and digital correlation systems. Matched filters and ambiguity functions. Communications channel performance. Measurement of random electromagnetic fields. Angular filtering properties of antennas, interferometers, and aperture synthesis systems. Radiative transfer and parameter estimation.
Fundamentals of detection and estimation for signal processing, communications, and control. Vector …
Fundamentals of detection and estimation for signal processing, communications, and control. Vector spaces of random variables. Bayesian and Neyman-Pearson hypothesis testing. Bayesian and nonrandom parameter estimation. Minimum-variance unbiased estimators and the Cramer-Rao bounds. Representations for stochastic processes; shaping and whitening filters; Karhunen-Loeve expansions. Detection and estimation from waveform observations. Advanced topics: linear prediction and spectral estimation; Wiener and Kalman filters.
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