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  • Architecture and Design
Site and Urban Systems Planning, Spring 2006
0.0 stars

The planning of sites and the infrastructure systems which serve them. Site analysis, spatial organization of uses on sites, design of roadways and subdivision patterns, grading plans, utility systems, analysis of runoff, parking requirements, traffic and off-site impacts, landscaping. Lectures on analytical techniques and examples of good site-planning practice. Assignments on each aspect of subject.

Skyscrapers: Engineering Up!
0.0 stars

Skyscrapers are one of the most glorified products of Civil Engineering and contain an interesting history of progress and development. In this lesson, the students will learn about the history of the world's tallest free standing structures and the basic design principles behind their success. Students will build their own newspaper skyscrapers with limited materials and time, trying to achieve a maximum height and the ability to withstand a "hurricane wind" force. Discussion will concentrate on materials, forces that a skyscraper needs to withstand, and basic structural design.

Kelly Devereaux, Benjamin Burnham
Techtronics Program,
Slide Right on By Using an Inclined Plane
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Students explore building a pyramid, learning about the simple machine called an inclined plane. They also learn about another simple machine, the screw, and how it is used as a lifting or fastening device. During a hands-on activity, students see how the angle of inclination and pull force can make it easier (or harder) to pull an object up an inclined plane.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Denise W. Carlson, with design input from the students in the spring 2005 K-12 Engineering Outreach Corps course.
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Jacquelyn F. Sullivan
Lawrence E. Carlson
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Travis Reilly
Date Added:
Sneaking Up on Sneakers
0.0 stars

Students explore why different types of sneakers are used in a variety of common sports, and how engineers analyze design needs in sneakers and many other everyday items. The goal is for students to understand the basics of engineering associated with the design of athletic shoes. The design of footware based on how it will be used involves bioengineering. Students analyze the foot movements in a variety of sports, develop design criteria for a specific sport, and make recommendations for requirements for the sneakers used in that sport.

Making the Connection,
Martha Cyr
Social Theory and the City, Fall 2005
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0.0 stars

This course explores how social theories of urban life can be related to the city's architecture and spaces. It is grounded in classic or foundational writings about the city addressing such topics as the public realm and public space, impersonality, crowds and density, surveillance and civility, imprinting time on space, spatial justice, and the segregation of difference. The aim of the course is to generate new ideas about the city by connecting the social and the physical, using Boston as a visual laboratory. Students are required to present a term paper mediating what is read with what has been observed.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Sennett, Richard
Date Added:
Solar Water Heater
0.0 stars

Student teams design and build solar water heating devices that mimic those used in residences to capture energy in the form of solar radiation and convert it to thermal energy. This thermal energy is next transferred to water (to be used as domestic hot water) in the form of heat. In doing this, students gain a better understanding of the three different types of heat transfer, each of which plays a role in the solar water heater design. Once the model devices are constructed, students perform efficiency calculations and compare designs.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Denise W. Carlson
Lauren Cooper
Landon B. Gennetten
Solid Rock to Building Block
0.0 stars

Students continue their pyramid building journey, acting as engineers to determine the appropriate wedge tool to best extract rock from a quarry and cut into pyramid blocks. Using sample materials (wax, soap, clay, foam) representing rock types that might be found in a quarry, they test a variety of wedges made from different materials and with different degrees of sharpness to determine which is most effective at cutting each type of material.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Lawrence E. Carlson
Jacquelyn Sullivan
Lindsey Wright
Denise Carlson, with design input from the students in the spring 2005 K-12 Engineering Outreach Corps course.
The Space Between Workshop, Fall 2004
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0.0 stars

This workshop explores how designers might become as sensitive to space as they are to objects. Through a number of projects and precedent studies, architectural design is studied in relation to the Space Between. The design process is studied in reverse, considering space first and objects second. This is not to imply that objects are not important, but rather that space is equally important.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Date Added:
Space Shelter
0.0 stars

Students are given the following engineering challenge: "The invasion has taken place and we need to find a new home. To ensure your survival beyond Earth's occupation you must design a shelter that can be built on another planet." Then students research the characteristics of a planet of their choosing. They design shelter that enables them to survive on a new planet, and explain it in words to the rest of the class. This is a great activity to add to a unit on the solar system.

Center for Engineering Educational Outreach,
Space System Architecture and Design, Fall 2004
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0.0 stars

Space System Architecture and Design incorporates lectures, readings and discussion on topics in the architecting of space systems. The class reviews existing space system architectures and the classical methods of designing them. Sessions focus on multi-attribute utility theory as a new design paradigm for space systems, when combined with integrated concurrent engineering and efficient searches of large architectural tradspaces. Designing for flexibility and uncertainty is considered, as are policy and product development issues.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Hastings, Daniel
Date Added:
Space Systems Engineering, Spring 2007
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0.0 stars

In 16.89/ESD.352 the students will first be asked to understand the key challenges in designing ground and space telescopes, the stakeholder structure and value flows, and the particular pros and cons of the proposed project. The first half of the class will concentrate on performing a thorough architectural analysis of the key astrophysical, engineering, human, budgetary and broader policy issues that are involved in this decision. This will require the students to carry out a qualitative and quantitative conceptual study during the first half of the semester and recommend a small set of promising architectures for further study at the Preliminary Design Review (PDR).Both lunar surface telescopes as well as orbital locations should be considered. The second half of the class will then pick 1-2 of the top-rated architectures for a lunar telescope facility and develop the concept in more detail and present the detailed design at the Critical Design Review (CDR). This should not only sketch out the science program, telescope architecture and design, but also the stakeholder relationships, a rough estimate of budget and timeline, and also clarify the role that human explorers could or should play during both deployment and servicing/operations of such a facility (if any).

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Crawley, Edward
de Weck, Olivier
Date Added:
Special Problems in Architectural Design, Spring 2005
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0.0 stars

" This class focuses on representation tools used by architects during the design process and attempts to discuss the relationship they develop with the object of design. Representation plays a key role in architectural design, not only as a medium of conveying and narrating a determined meaning or a preconceived idea, but also as a code of creating new meaning, while the medium seeks to establish a relationship with itself. In this sense, mediums of representation, as external parameters to the design process, are not neutral tools of translating an idea into its concrete form. They are neither authentic means of creativity, nor vapid carriers of an idea. Therefore, an important aspect in issues of meaning is how the architect manipulates the play of translating a concept to its concrete version, through the use of a medium of representation. The course is a continuation of the equivalent course taught in the fall semester and specifically focuses on digital media. The course is intended to establish a reciprocal relationship with the design studio, feeding from and contributing to its content."

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Tsamis, Alexandros
Date Added:
Special Problems in Architecture Studies, Fall 2000
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0.0 stars

The course will investigate e-Learning systems from a business, policy, technical and legal perspective. The issues presented shall be tackled by discussion of the design and structure of the various example systems. The connection between information architectures and the physical workplace of the users will also be examined. There course will be comprised of readings, discussions, guest speakers and group design sessions. Laboratory sessions will be focused on implementation tools and opportunities to create one's own working prototypes. Students will learn to describe information architectures using the Unified Modeling Language (used to specify, design and structure web applications) and XML (to designate meaningful content).

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Material Type:
Full Course
Mitchell, William John
Date Added:
Special Topics in Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Fall 2001
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0.0 stars

Memory is not a unitary faculty, but rather consists of multiple forms of learning that differ in their operating characteristics and neurobiological substrates. This seminar will consider current debates regarding the cognitive and neural architectures of memory, specifically focusing on recent efforts to address these controversies through application of functional neuroimaging (primarily fMRI and PET).

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Wagner, Anthony
Date Added:
Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering: The Art and Science of Boat Design, January (IAP) 2007
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0.0 stars

This class is jointly sponsored by the MIT Museum, Massachusetts Bay Maritime Artisans, the Department of Mechanical Engineering's Center for Ocean Engineering, and the Department of Architecture. The course teaches the fundamental steps in traditional boat design and demonstrates connections between craft and modern methods. Instructors provide vessel design orientation and then students carve their own shape ideas in the form of a wooden half-hull model. Experts teach the traditional skills of visualizing and carving your model in this phase of the class. After the models are completed, a practicing naval architect guides students in translating shape from models into a lines plan. The final phase of the class is a comparative analysis of the designs generated by the group.

Applied Science
Architecture and Design
Arts and Humanities
Career and Technical Education
Maritime Science
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Full Course
Dias, Antonio
Date Added:
Springfield Studio, Fall 2005
0.0 stars

The Springfield Studio is a practicum design course that focuses on the economic, programmatic and social renewal of an urban community in Springfield, Massachusetts by combining classroom work with an applied class project. The course content covers the areas of neighborhood economic development and the related analysis and planning tools used to understand and assess urban conditions from an economic and community development perspective. Urban design issues are investigated in the context of social and economic challenges within the community.

McDowell, Ceasar L.
Seidman, Karl
Stack It Up!
0.0 stars

Students analyze and begin to design a pyramid. Working in engineering teams, they perform calculations to determine the area of the pyramid base, stone block volumes, and the number of blocks required for their pyramid base. They make a scaled drawing of the pyramid using graph paper.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Gregory Ramsey
Jacquelyn Sullivan
Glen Sirakavit
Denise Carlson
Lawrence E. Carlson
Stop Heat From Escaping
0.0 stars

In this activity, students act as engineers to determine which type of insulation would conserve the most energy.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Natalie Mach
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Sharon D. Perez-Suarez
Denise Carlson
Straw Bridges
0.0 stars

Working as engineering teams, students design and create model beam bridges using plastic drinking straws and tape as their construction materials. Their goal is to build the strongest bridge with a truss pattern of their own design, while meeting the design criteria and constraints. They experiment with different geometric shapes and determine how shapes affect the strength of materials. Let the competition begin!

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Natalie Mach
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program,
Denise W. Carlson
Chris Valenti
Denali Lander
Jonathan S. Goode
Joe Friedrichsen
Strength of Materials
0.0 stars

Students learn about the variety of materials used by engineers in the design and construction of modern bridges. They also find out about the material properties important to bridge construction and consider the advantages and disadvantages of steel and concrete as common bridge-building materials to handle compressive and tensile forces.

Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Natalie Mach
Integrated Teaching and Leaning Program and Laboratory,
Denise W. Carlson
Denali Lander
Jonathan S. Goode
Christopher Valenti
Joe Friedrichsen