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  • experiment
Angular Velocity: Sweet Wheels
0.0 stars

Students analyze the relationship between wheel radius, linear velocity and angular velocity by using LEGO(TM) MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots. Given various robots with different wheel sizes and fixed motor speeds, they predict which has the fastest linear velocity. Then student teams collect and graph data to analyze the relationships between wheel size and linear velocity and find the angular velocity of the robot given its motor speed. Students explore other ways to increase linear velocity by changing motor speeds, and discuss and evaluate the optimal wheel size and desired linear velocities on vehicles.

AMPS GK-12 Program, Polytechnic Institute of New York University,
James Muldoon, Kelly Brandon, Jigar Jadav
Ball Bounce Experiment
0.0 stars

Students investigate different balls' abilities to bounce and represent the data they collect graphically.

Center for Engineering Educational Outreach,
Center for Engineering Educational Outreach, Tufts University
Tufts University
Copper Caper
0.0 stars

In this activity, learners conduct an oxidation experiment that turns old pennies bright and shiny. Learners soak 20 dull, dirty pennies in a bowl of salt and vinegar for five minutes. They rinse half the pennies with water, then compare the rinsed pennies to the unrinsed after all pennies sit and dry for about an hour. Learners also observe what happens when they submerge a screw and nail in the liquid compared to a nail only half-way submerged.

Linda Shore
Pat Murphy
Jason Gorski
Ellen Klages
The Exploratorium
Discovery of the Nucleus: Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
0.0 stars

In 1911, Ernest Rutherford and his colleagues discovered the nucleus of the atom using their famous gold foil experiment. They shot alpha particles at a sheet of gold foil, and noticed that most went through, but some bounced back. This showed that atoms have a nucleus, and it disproved Thompson's plum pudding model of the atom.

Tyler DeWitt
Experimental Projects II, Fall 2003
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Gain practical insight and improved understanding of engineering experimentation through design and execution of "project" experiments. Building upon work in 16.621, students construct and test equipment, make systematic experimental measurements of phenomena, analyze data, and compare theoretical predictions with results. Written final report on entire project and formal oral presentation. Includes instructions on oral presentations. Provides valuable link between theory and practice.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Craig, Jennifer Lynn
Deyst, John J.
Greitzer, Edward
Date Added:
Experimental Projects I, Spring 2003
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Introduces laboratory experimental techniques. Principles of experimental design and reliable measurement. Laboratory safety. Instruction in effective report writing and oral presentation, including revision of written work. Selection and detailed planning of an individual research project, including design of components or equipment. Preparation of a detailed proposal for the selected project carried through to completion under 16.622.

Applied Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Greitzer, Edward
Date Added:
Gears: Determining Angular Velocity
0.0 stars

Students work as engineers and learn to conduct controlled experiments by changing one experimental variable at a time to study its effect on the experiment outcome. Specifically, they conduct experiments to determine the angular velocity for a gear train with varying gear ratios and lengths. Student groups assemble LEGO MINDSTORMS(TM) NXT robots with variously sized gears in a gear train and then design programs using the NXT software to cause the motor to rotate all the gears in the gear train. They use the LEGO data logging program and light sensors to set up experiments. They run the program with the motor and the light sensor at the same time and analyze the resulting plot in order to determine the angular velocity using the provided physics-based equations. Finally, students manipulate the gear train with different gears and different lengths in order to analyze all these factors and figure out which manipulation has a higher angular velocity. They use the equations for circumference of a circle and angular velocity; and convert units between radians and degrees.

AMPS GK-12 Program,
Jennifer S. Haghpanah, Leonarda Huertas, Jasmin Mejias, Mihai Pruna, James Cox
Hand Battery
0.0 stars

n this activity about chemistry and electricity, learners form a battery by placing their hands onto plates of different metals. Learners detect the current by reading a DC microammeter attached to the metal plates. Learners experiment with different metals to find out what combination produces the most current as well as testing what happens when they press harder on the plates or wet their hands. Learners also investigate what happens when they wire the plates to a voltmeter.

Science Snacks
How Effective Is Your Sunscreen?
0.0 stars

Student teams design and conduct quality-control experiments to test the reliability of several ultraviolet protection factors. Students use UV-detecting beads in their experimental designs to test the effectiveness of various types of sunscreens and sunblock. For example, they might examine zinc oxide nanoparticles versus traditional organic sun protection factors. UV intensity is quantitatively measured by UVA and UVB Vernier sensors, and students record and graph their results. By designing and conducting this experiment, students compare various substances, while learning about quality control.

VU Bioengineering RET Program, School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University,
Michelle Bell, Amber Spolarich
If You're Not Part of the Solution, You're Part of the Precipitate!
0.0 stars

Students continue the research begun in the associated lesson as if they were biomedical engineers working for a pharmaceutical company. Groups each perform a simple chemical reaction (to precipitate solid calcium out of solution) to observe what may occur when Osteopontin levels drop in the body. With this additional research, students determine potential health complications that might arise from a new drug that could reduce inflammatory pain in many patients, improving their quality of life. The goal of this activity is to illustrate biomedical engineering as medical problem solving, as well as emphasize the importance of maintaining normal body chemistry.

Bio-Inspired Technology and Systems (BITS) RET,
Angela D. Kolonich
Making Model Microfluidic Devices Using JELL-O
0.0 stars

Students create large-scale models of microfluidic devices using a process similar to that of the PDMS and plasma bonding that is used in the creation of lab-on-a-chip devices. They use disposable foam plates, plastic bendable straws and gelatin dessert mix. After the molds have hardened overnight, they use plastic syringes to inject their model devices with colored fluid to test various flow rates. From what they learn, students are able to answer the challenge question presented in lesson 1 of this unit by writing individual explanation statements.

Michelle Woods (primary author)
VU Bioengineering RET Program,
Name That Metal!
0.0 stars

Given an assortment of unknown metals to identify, student pairs consider what unique intrinsic (aka intensive) metal properties (such as density, viscosity, boiling or melting point) could be tested. For the provided activity materials (copper, aluminum, zinc, iron or brass), density is the only property that can be measured so groups experimentally determine the density of the "mystery" metal objects. They devise an experimental procedure to measure mass and volume in order to calculate density. They calculate average density of all the pieces (also via the graphing method if computer tools area available). Then students analyze their own data compared to class data and perform error analysis. Through this inquiry-based activity, students design their own experiments, thus experiencing scientific investigation and experimentation first hand. A provided PowerPoint(TM) file and information sheet helps to introduce the five metals, including information on their history, properties and uses.

Azim Laiwalla, Ann McCabe, Karen McCleary, Dua Naim Chaker, Carleigh Samson
Science and Engineering of the Environment of Los Angeles (SEE-LA) GK-12 Program, UCLA ,
Panoptes and the Bionic Eye
0.0 stars

Vision is the primary sense of many animals and much is known about how vision is processed in the mammalian nervous system. One distinct property of the primary visual cortex is a highly organized pattern of sensitivity to location and orientation of objects in the visual field. But how did we learn this? An important tool is the ability to design experiments to map out the structure and response of a system such as vision. In this activity, students learn about the visual system and then conduct a model experiment to map the visual field response of a Panoptes robot. (In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes was the "all-seeing" watchman giant with 100 eyes.) A simple activity modification enables a true black box experiment, in which students do not directly observe how the visual system is configured, and must match the input to the output in order to reconstruct the unseen system inside the box.

Michael Trumpis, Shingi Middelmann, Gisselle Cunningham
AMPS GK-12 Program, Polytechnic Institute of New York University,
Pill Dissolving Demo
0.0 stars

In a class demonstration, the teacher places different pill types ("chalk" pill, gel pill, and gel tablet) into separate glass beakers of vinegar, representing human stomach acid. After 20-30 minutes, the pills dissolve. Students observe which dissolve the fastest, and discuss the remnants of the various pills. What they learn contributes to their ongoing objective to answer the challenge question presented in lesson 1 of this unit.

Michelle Woods (primary author)
VU Bioengineering RET Program,
Population Growth in Yeasts
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This lesson is the second of two that explore cellular respiration and population growth in yeasts. In the first lesson, students set up a simple way to indirectly observe and quantify the amount of respiration occurring in yeast-molasses cultures. Based on questions that arose during the first lesson and its associated activity, in this lesson students work in small groups to design experiments that will determine how environmental factors affect yeast population growth.

Applied Science
Life Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Engineering K-PhD Program,
Mary R. Hebrank (project and lesson/activity consultant)
Date Added:
Principles of Oceanographic Instrument Systems -- Sensors and Measurements (13.998), Spring 2004
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This course introduces theoretical and practical principles of design of oceanographic sensor systems. Topics include: transducer characteristics for acoustic, current, temperature, pressure, electric, magnetic, gravity, salinity, velocity, heat flow, and optical devices; limitations on these devices imposed by ocean environments; signal conditioning and recording; noise, sensitivity, and sampling limitations; and standards. Lectures by experts cover the principles of state-of-the-art systems being used in physical oceanography, geophysics, submersibles, acoustics. For lab work, day cruises in local waters allow students to prepare, deploy and analyze observations from standard oceanographic instruments.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Williams, Albert (Sandy), 3rd
Date Added:
Rock Candy Your Body
0.0 stars

Students see and learn how crystallization and inhibition occur by making sugar crystals with and without additives in a supersaturation solution, testing to see how the additives may alter crystallization, such as by improving crystal growth by more or larger crystals. After three days, students analyze the differences between the control crystals and those grown with additives, researching and attempting to deduce why certain additives blocked crystallization, showed no change or improved growth. Students relate what they learn from the rock candy experimentation to engineering drug researchers who design medicines for targeted purposes in the human body. Conduct the first half of this activity one day before presenting the associated lesson, Body Full of Crystals. Then conduct the second half of the activity.

Andrea Lee, Megan Ketchum
National Science Foundation GK-12 and Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Programs, University of Houston,
Trebuchet Launch
0.0 stars

Students work as engineers to design and test trebuchets (in this case LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robots) that can launch objects. During the testing stage, they change one variable at a time to study its effect on the outcome of their designs. Specifically, they determine how far objects travel depending on their weights. As students learn about the different components of robot design and the specific function controls, they determine what design features are important for launching objects.

AMPS GK-12 Program,
Jennifer S. Haghpanah, Janet Yowell
Wet Pennies
0.0 stars

Students conduct a simple test to determine how many drops of each of three liquids water, rubbing alcohol, vegetable oil can be placed on a penny before spilling over. Because of their different surface tensions, more water can be piled on top of a penny than either of the other two liquids. However, the main point of the activity is for students to come up with an explanation for their observations about the different amounts of liquids a penny can hold. To do this, they create hypotheses that explain their observations, and because middle school students are not likely to have prior knowledge of the property of surface tension, their hypotheses are not likely to include this idea. Then they are asked to come up with ways to test their hypotheses, although they do not need to actually conduct these tests as part of this activity.

Engineering K-PhD Program,
Mary R. Hebrank (project writer and consultant)